Friday, October 4, 2024

VIDEO: Miguna Miguna New Look Surprise Many Kenyans

VIDEO: Miguna Miguna New Look Surprise Many Kenyans

With Covid-19 and the social distancing that also require one to wear a mask when in public,it looks like Miguna Miguna did not like his look with hat and mask on and so he did away with the hat and has a new look. He actually looks much better.

Video by Strange News Kenya

Miguna Miguna’s New Look; You Might not Recognize him

Miguna needs a beautician because the struggle might take longer. If he continues this way, by the time we convince Mount Kenya that their “one man one shilling” is hogwash, he will be on a walking stick. Miguna looks good, actually better than wearing that hat.VIDEO: Miguna Miguna New Look Surprise Many Kenyans

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It would be better for Miguna to fill forms and reapply for citizenship the way other Kenyans who did the same have done. Assuming that he can successfully fight against the republic when he had in fact relinquished his Kenyan citizenship years ago is an unwise thing to do.

Miguna contravened the law which strictly forbade the holding of a second citizenship. At that time he was a lawyer and therefore aware.Facts place Kenya government at an advantage in the Miguna case,for Miguna did not and has not yet reapplied and regained his citizenship.

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What’s happening to Miguna is of utmost significance to Kenyans of all walks as it shall serve to demonstrate how it goes when one chooses to Tango with a seating government.

Law is not about one regime or another.It is not about one system of government or another.Law is about equal justice for all.It means that after Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga have left the political scene,Kenya and its citizens will still be there with the law.

Miguna’s case will still be there because law must be upheld. He will still fight the new government of Kenya, for his case concerns Kenyan Citizenship.Why are Miguna’s advisers cheating him? Can they not look back at Nahason Iisac Njenga Njoroge’s case of 1969.



VIDEO: Miguna Miguna New Look Surprise Many Kenyans

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