I Am Not Out To Cow ODM Governors Into Submission: Uhuru. In an effort to show himself as not having a problem with governors, President Uhuru Kenyatta invited Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero to address golfers
Police in Kwale County have today disrupted Governor Hassan Joho’s rally that was to take place at Kinango township.
The rally which had been organized...
Why Uhuru Has Lost Zero Votes by Insulting Joho Yet Gained More Respect: So what does the president have to gain by insulting Cord governors? For 4 years, Uhuru has displayed restraint most of the time when answering opposition leaders.
Joho accorded VIP treatment in US despite being implicated in drug trafficking: Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho left Kenya for US on February 14th to attend a United Nations Strong Cities summit that seeks to find solutions to the rising violent extremism in the coast region.