Thursday, December 19, 2024


National Outlook:Uhuru Travelled with Jubilee, Cord Leaders for US

WASHINGTON DC: President Uhuru Kenyatta blended the ruling Jubilee coalition and Opposition coalition leadership as part of his delegation to the US-Africa summit in Washington...

Double Blow for CORD as Push to Remove IEBC Team Fails

The Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) Wednesday suffered a double blow after the House rejected attempts by its members to present a minority...

CORD Warns of Stern Action on Members Opposed to Referendum

The Opposition is cracking the whip on dissenters it views as too friendly to the ruling Jubilee coalition, and has warned them that they...

Cord Names Team to Push Referendum

Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (Cord) leaders Tuesday unveiled their referendum strategy and named four lawyers to sit on a Committee of Experts (CoE)...

Court lifts order to hold Cord principals liable for damages

NAIROBI, KENYA: Order to hold Cord principles personally liable for any loss during Saba Saba rally has been lifted. Court meanwhile maintains other orders not to...

Cord Rejects MPs initiative, plans more rallies ahead of Saba Saba

CORD has identified what it calls the seven grand failures of the Jubilee government to be discussed during the Opposition’s Saba Saba rally at...

Catholic bishops want all political rallies called off

Catholic bishops want all political rallies called off: The Catholic Church has warned that political rallies planned by CORD and Jubilee coalitions may fan ethnic hatred.

CORD beats hasty retreat on Joseph ole Lenku censure

CORD beats hasty retreat on Joseph ole Lenku censure: The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) has withdrawn its censure Motion against Interior and Co-ordination

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