Diaspora Kenyans must bring back Sh1,000 notes says CBK: Anyone holding the old Sh1,000 bank notes outside the country will have to bring them back to exchange with the new currency before the October 1 deadline, Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)
From the archives-What is it like to be a Kenyan American?: On June 16th, 2012; Kenyans in Baltimore of all tribes held Madaraka Day Celebrations to celebrate the traditional Kenyan holiday.
Kenyans living in the US have been spared from a crackdown that President Donald Trump ordered on people who have overstayed their welcome in the country.
15 Things Kenyans Miss Most While Living Abroad: You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. That saying takes a whole new meaning when one decides to search for greener pastures abroad;
Diaspora Kenyans don't need to vote,its a waste of time and money: The new found political love of our country will just hinder our progress here in America. All we need to do is to let the many we left behind to represent us while choosing their leaders as they are the majority.
At least 273 Kenyans are serving jail terms in other countries, according to the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma, in a document she presented to a parliamentary committee Monday.
USA Tour: Diaspora Kenyans Have Their Say At Optiven. The building of valuable partnerships and relationships has continued in various open forums that the Optiven team is sharing with Diaspora communities.
Study: With the globalization of education, an increasing number of foreign students are
enrolling in U.S. colleges and universities (Open Doors, 2013).
These international students encounter...