Any plans for a constitutional referendum must come after the full implementation of the constitution, the New Ford Kenya party has said. Party leader...
Heavyweights Clash Over Bungoma Senate Seat Sharp divisions have hit New Ford-Kenya and partners in the Amani coalition on who should run against immediate...
Election Losers Considered for Ambassador Jobs: A number of politicians who lost in the last elections are among those being considered to fill up some 30 positions as ambassadors.
Eugene Wamalwa to support Uhuru Kenyatta after Round 1: JUSTICE Minister Eugene Wamalwa is likely to rejoin Jubilee Alliance if there is no winner in the first round. Wamalwa
Eugene Wamalwa Political Somersaults: Pambazuka coalition collapses. The alliance which brought together New Ford Kenya-NFK, Federal Party of Kenya-FPK, National Vision Party-NVP
Eugene Wamalwa to Ditch Uhuru Kenyatta, Ruto Alliance: Trouble is brewing for presidential aspirants Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto who seem to be pulling in different