Diversity Green Card Lottery DV 2022 Opens Wednesday, October 7th, 2020: The registration period for DV-2022 Program begins on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time and concludes
Record number of 2777 Kenyans Won DV-2021 Green Card Lottery: According to the US State Department, A record number of 2,777 Kenyans won the green cards in the Diversity Visa program (green card lottery)
Diversity Green Card Lottery DV 2021 Opens Wednesday, October 2, 2019:Â DV-2021 Program: The revised online registration period for the DV-2021 Program begins on
Kenyan Woman Living In Serbia wins Lottery, gives shocking response: A Kenyan woman living in Serbia won Sh699 million (Euros 6.05 million) in a lottery but will not donate the money to those living in her native land.
Trump demands Congress terminate diversity immigration lottery: President Donald Trump, during a White House Cabinet meeting Wednesday, said he wants to terminate the Diversity Visa Lottery,
4410 Kenyans win US Diversity Visa (Green Card lottery): The US department of State has sent out letters to 4,410 Kenyans notifying them that they have won a chance to migrate to the US