Morning Devotion: He Wants You To Know This!-By Pastor Shadrack Ruto. It appears that the people of Judah were not only living a rebellious life against God; but they also had complaints and misguided
DEVOTION: May Be You Have Never Looked At It From This Perspective! One of the joys of studying God’s Word is the realization that you will never be able to exhaust it. No matter how many years and how many times
DEVOTION: Does God Get What He Deserves From You? “A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty. Malachi 1:6
DEVOTION: Have You Neglected The House of God? Nehemiah’s role in rebuilding the nation of Israel after they came back from exile went beyond the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.
DEVOTION: WHERE IS YOUR STRONGEST ALLEGIANCE? Between your vertical relationship and horizontal relationships, which one triumphs over the other? In other words,
DEVOTION: This Is Real! The Devil Is Alive And Active. One of the tragic things that can happen to any Christian is to ignore the existence and activities of the devil here on earth. In today’s passage,