Paul continues to give further elements that contributed to the Transformation of the lives of these Thessalonian Christians. He says, it is their view...
In the preceding verses, we learned that worry does absolutely nothing for us. In today’s passage, Christ gives us another reason why we shouldn’t...
DEVOTION: THIS “TIME” IS IMPORTANT TO GOD-Pastor Shadrack Ruto. Even though, God is not bound by time and operates outside the limits of time, His operations here on earth are timed and happen according to His plan
DEVOTION: HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED THIS? By Pastor Shadrack Ruto. Ezra continued in his prayer to God concerning the sins of the remnant. In this prayer he confesses at least four things.
DEVOTION: Is This A Priority For You? By Pastor Shadrack Ruto. Once the Israelites had settled back in the Promised Land, they began rebuilding their city, Jerusalem. But they first rebuilt the altar
DEVOTION: This Is One Key Sign Of God’s Discipline By Pastor Shadrack Ruto. Have you ever wondered whether you are undergoing God’s discipline in your life? Is it possible that this is the most puzzling equation in your life today?