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Tag: State House

DP Ruto Attends Cabinet Meeting Chaired By Uhuru Kenyatta

DP Ruto Attends Cabinet Meeting Chaired By Uhuru Kenyatta: President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto met at State House, Nairobi, on Thursday, February 25,

Uhuru Elevates Former Speaker Beatrice Elachi To A Senior Govt Officials

Uhuru Elevates Former Speaker Beatrice Elachi To A Senior Govt Officials: Former Nairobi Speaker Beatrice Elachi was sworn in as a Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service and Gender Affairs.

VIDEO: Surprise as Ruto Arrives at State House For National Prayers Day

VIDEO: Surprise as Ruto Arrives at State House For National Prayers Day. Today President Kenyatta led the Country in National Prayer Day held at State House, Nairobi. The Head of state had announced a

Anxiety At State House As 4 Employees Test Positive For Covid-19

Anxiety At State House As 4 Employees Test Positive For Covid-19: Four State House employees have tested positive for Covid-19 after mass testing exercise that was carried out on Thursday, June 11.

VIDEO: Uhuru insulted us during State House meeting-MP Oscar Sudi

VIDEO: Uhuru insulted us during State House meeting-MP Oscar Sudi. Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has claimed that the Jubilee National Assembly Parliamentary Group meeting chaired by President Uhuru

State House angers Kenyans for deleting photos with Ruto at cabinet meeting

State House angers Kenyans for deleting photos with Ruto at cabinet meeting. Kenyan's have raised concerns after photos taken during a Cabinet meeting and uploaded to State House's social media platforms on Thursday, March 19, were deleted.

Mid-morning call that changed things for Sonko-“Nimeitwa State House,”

Mid-morning call that changed things for Sonko-“Nimeitwa State House,”: Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko was in his Upper Hill office when his phone rang. The people around him, including a bevy of aides and Members

Good Tidings at State House: Kanze Dena talks about Bible Study

Good Tidings at State House: Kanze Dena talks about Bible Study: The report that workers at the State House Nairobi are free to express their religious faith is a good sign.

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