Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeTagsWord of the Day

Tag: Word of the Day

Word For Today: For such a time like this

Word For Today: For such a time like this. Esther’s story did not begin very well but it ends well because there is nothing that can stop the move of God in your life when

Word For Today:What Do You Want?

I have often asked myself the question, “What would I ask for if I found myself in the same position King Solomon did those...

Word For Today: God Is A God of Second Chances

Word For Today: God Is A God of Second Chances. Have you ever witnessed or been party to a mob justice? I have witnessed one and it is not a pretty sight. It is like the very core of what is evil within

So You Failed-Now What: Perspective of How God Sees It

So You Failed-Now What: Perspective of How God Sees It: Failing is part of our life experience. It is inevitable that we will fail from time to time throughout our life. What’s important is

Word For Today:The Great Exchange

As we get closer to celebrating Easter, I am reminded of the omo ngarisha maisha gameshow. Many other TV shows have had the same...

Your Failure And God’s Grace-Fear Of Failure

Your Failure And God’s Grace-Fear Of Failure: The Bible tells us there are at least four antidotes to the fear of failure.

Word For Today: Coffee Cups-Stress in work and life

Word For Today: Coffee Cups-Stress in work and life. A Group of friends, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their university professor. Conversation soon turned

Word For Today: Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered

Word For Today: Whoever walks in integrity will be delivered. A sales man was waiting to see the Purchasing Agent so he could submit his Company’s bid. While he was waiting

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