Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Death and Funeral Arrangements – David Kedi Jacca

Death and Funeral Arrangements – David Kedi Jacca

Death and Funeral Arrangements - David Kedi Jacca

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It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudden death of David Kedi Jacca which happened in Nairobi, Kenya on September 4th after a short illness. David was born in Nairobi, Kenya and travelled to USA (Atlanta) in 1994. He later relocated to Oklahoma in 2009.

David leaves behind his Parents Charles Jacca, Elizabeth Jacca, siblings Irene Jacca, Samson Jacca, Michael Jacca, and Andrew Jacca.

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Please remember the family in your prayers and spread the word. Due to his illness, the family is also kindly asking for your financial support to cater for the medical expenses that were accrued during this period. Your generosity and support will be greatly appreciated.

Funeral services will be held on Thursday, 8th September 2011 at 2.00 pm at NPC Valley Road and at ACK Church, Rabai on Friday, 9th September 2011 at 2.00 pm. Burial will be held on Saturday, 10th September 2011 at 11.00 am in Rabai.

For those who would like to support the family you can make contributions C/O:

George M Kinyua at
Bank of America
Account # 334031505266 (Georgia)
*Contributions can be made at any Bank of America

For further information please contact:

Arnold Gaitho  404 626 3016 –
Benson Nyonji (Karis)  678 665 2359 –
George Kinyua  404 964 8428 –
Baraka Ondieki  443 812 2964 –
Charles Kamau  832 286 3959 –

We thank You all for your Love, Support and Prayers during this time of bereavement.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you whenever you go. Joshua 1:9

Proverbs 11:25 – “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Rev 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Kenyan woman Catherine Gittao dies at her place of work in Worcester MA

Africa Welfare Association is a pioneer provider of services to it’s Diaspora members in the event of loss of a loved one. We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally.

We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally. AWA was set up in response to the ever-growing demand for services at a critical time. With trusted partners, AWA will offer you benefits wherever you are in the world.

Alleviate stress with AWA
At some point, we have been with a grieving family or friend and come to learn that none of us are ever prepared to leave this world. When the time comes, we shall leave everything including our loved ones behind. With proper planning, you can alleviate the burden of the expense associated with your untimely departure at a time when your family and loved ones are grieving.


Death and Funeral Arrangements – David Kedi Jacca

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