Friday, March 14, 2025

Word of the Day: The power of kingdom commitment

Word of the Day: The power of kingdom commitment
Word of the Day: The power of kingdom commitment

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20). The word commitment is not a very common word anymore in our society. This is because it is viewed as something bad or one that binds one to particular thing while giving an individual no choices. This is because we live in a world of choices, and freedom to choose. We hear a lot about, “if you are happy with your choices; that is all that matters”. This attitude does not take into account the type or kind of choices that have been made. However, as Christ’s followers our choices have to be aligned with the word of God. It is not what feels right, sound right or what makes us happy, it is what corresponds with the word of God that matters. We really cannot be controlled by the word of God unless our lives are submitted to Him through a personal relationship and by living by the kingdom set principles which calls for commitment. The dictionary defines the word “Commitment” as a state or quality of being dedicated to a cause; it may also refer to a promise. It is also known as a pledge or an undertaking. Commitment calls for single-mindedness involvement and total engagement. Commitment keeps you focused, alert and vigilant. Commitment to the kingdom restrains you from getting entangled with the things of these world or affairs that do not please God. It says no to ungodliness, no to sin.


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“The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.” The Devil would love for us to believe the opposite. One can only enjoy the promises of God by being committed to the kingdom living. The kingdom is not a tangible physical thing that we can touch or see, but its principles when applied produce power. The Bible says the kingdom of God is “righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). The enemy knows that if we got this truth in our hearts and live with the awareness that though we live on this earth we are not of this world, we will be a people of great power. God wants us to live here being governed by the kingdom rules. The kingdom of God means the rule of God being practiced here on earth. The devil knows that our carnal attempts are nothing more than cheap veneer. He doesn’t mind if we look good to everybody as long as we are basically a cheap imitation inside. The word of God says the “kingdom of God is within you”. (Luke 17:21)The devil knows who is inside of you; if he is not the one then he knows who lives in you by your fruits, by your conduct and behavior. The Devil is all about image, he fears substance. Colossians 2:17 says, “Christ in you” is the hope of glory. “When you are committed to the kingdom, the devil does not fear you but fears the “Christ in you”. He does not care about your wisdom or your eloquence, he fears the Christ in you.


Paul, the apostle, knew this truth, and avoided the lure to “show off”. He says in 1 Corinthians 2:4: “My message and preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power”. Friend, the only power we can stand on is the one found within the kingdom. The devil knows your commitment to the kingdom, and he watches for any open doors in your life that can give him a foothold to talking you out of it. However, friend, remember the kingdom you live in, are connected with, and have been bought into, is one of power. I want to encourage you to have a strong foundation in

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the word of God. Do not rest on the doctrines of your denomination or religious beliefs, but stand on the power of God found in His kingdom through your relationship with Him. Do not stand on men’s reasoning, some new revelations, new interpretations of the word, or men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. Get to know the kingdom benefits and promises. Get to know God to a point where you know his voice. He says my sheep know my voice, if you develop a commitment to the kingdom, your heavenly father will be committed to you. If you know him in his beauty, mercy and power, you will not need any man to talk you into living in the kingdom (living for God). Remember if a man can talk you into something, they can also talk you out of it. The devil wants converts made by men! The devil is no match; he trembles, fears and falls down at the face of those converts made by God for their faith rests on “God’s power” and His power is the only power there is.


As you go through this week, purpose in your heart to live within the kingdom principles, and walk in the power and authority of the kingdom. Live your life with the knowledge that the anointed one, Jesus Christ, lives inside of you, and it is His anointing that breaks the yoke. Operate in this anointing; ask the Holy Spirit of God for a door for the anointing to operate through you wherever you are, be it in the grocery store, at work or even on the highways. Be sensitive to the Spirit of God who rules in the kingdom in this hour. Seek the anointing of God and not the silly methods of men! Let the Holy Spirit teach you; do not relay on methods of men. Do not depend on man-made dreams, but long for the outpouring of God in your daily life this week instead. I do not know what you are going through in your Christian walk. If you are sick in your body, stop right here and say this, “Lord in the name of Jesus heal my physical body”. “Thank you because you are the healer and I receive your healing today, in Jesus name. Amen”. Whatever you are going through ask the lord to move in your circumstance and tell Him He is able to reverse the curse of the enemy and thank Him for the answer in prayer.


Till next week, please come join me for our Monthly prayer breakfast on Saturday the 9th at 10:am at The Beverly Heritage Hotel ( 1820 Barber Ln Milpitas, CA 95035, for more information please contact us at 408-833-6478 /650-334-5152

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Word of the Day: The power of kingdom commitment

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