Saturday, March 15, 2025

Word of the Day: He must increase, but I must decrease

Word of the Day: He must increase, but I must decrease
Word of the Day: He must increase, but I must decrease

We live in a world where every company is out to out do the other as they offer goods and services. All you have to do is walk around the city and you will be bombarded with all sorts of ads from bill boards’ posters electronic bill boards and all. I bet you have some adverts that are your favourites and some which may not be your favourites but they have such a catchy tune it has stuck with you. As you think about your favourite ad, do you know who created it? In fact how many advertising companies do you know? Can you name 10 of them?Advertising agencies do not exist to make a name for themselves, they exist to make a name for others. Their job is to magnify the name or brand of their client. Their success is pegged on how good they are able to make their clients look.

The more the people sing their clients song the greater they become. While you may not know these companies I am sure you are well acquainted with their work. There is a great lesson we can learn from this companies. What they do for their clients we are to do for Christ. As heavens advertising agency we are to promote God in every area of our life even in our success. It is sad how some of us begin so well but as soon as success comes our way we start singing our song instead of singing Christ’s song!

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Your life is like an advert, the big question is what do people see? Do they see Christ or do they see you the advertising agency? What would you think if you walked into an advertising agency and asked them to do a bill board for you and after the work is done, three quarters of the bill board has the logo of the advertising agency while your product only features on a quarter of the bill board. I am sure you would scream your head off because that is a raw deal. Well is that the kind of deal you have given Christ? Are you building a Name for Christ through every area of your life or is it just about you. Have you filled the billboard with pictures of you and how great a person you are and the great things you have been able to accomplish, the great masses that you are influencing while leaving a small corner for Christ?

“He must increase, but I must decrease. He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.” Amplified Bible (AMP)
John 3:30

Word of the Day: He must increase, but I must decrease

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