Anxiety rose up when a family was stormed with a message of a missing member of the family, and when the message of the end of the tragedy, was the list expected hope and desire.
It was the beginning of a new chapter to the family, a chapter of unresolved mystery to the members of the family, to the friends and to the community. It was a message of being robbed the hopes and dreams of the nation, because of the vacuum that was created. People gathered together in solidarity, and stood shoulder to shoulder; they expressed love of each other, and demonstrated that they are their bother’s and sister’s keepers. People turned their eyes into heaven, where the help comes from, and sensitized the call to a safe return of Dennis Njoroge and a cry to the world, of who could have seen our son, Dennis.
We were all born to this world, by God’s plan of life, and we live in this world for God’s glory. The worst moment of all, is when a parent, a mother receives a message of losing a child. The loss of a child to a mother brings back the memories of the 9 months, the time when the mother carried the baby in the womb for 9 months, and was a part of the anatomy of the mother’s body.
But can you now imagine, that after all these good works of care, and nurturing of the seed, and the seed is in the world after delivery, and the baby is all grown up, and the mother gets the message of the end of a life journey, a dream cut short, a premature, unexpected death. That is like a sudden realization, that a part of your body is dismantled, and moved away from your body. And the sudden missing part of the body cannot be synthetically recreated, or crowned. The ingenuity and creativity of the humans hits to the bottom.
But there is an option than can bounce people back to live with a purpose, back to a life of hope and victory again. The option is to hope against hope. Have faith in God; there is life after this life. There is an everlasting life to be lived after this life. The way to a good, everlasting life is Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He conquered death, and death cannot hold those who are purchased by the blood of Jesus. In that coming day of the Lord, there will be a resurrection of all, and a big reunion. Blessed are those who go to sleep in the Lord, for they shall be resurrected to everlasting life.
The evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Glory be to God, for everlasting love. Love covers a multitude of things. Love unites all people, irrespective of any differences, and sets all to pull together as a team.
People gathered in many places, when the message of the disappearance of Dennis was heard and spread out.
People gathered by Charles River in Boston, they were looking for Dennis, they were crying, they were praying to God. People were filled with love to seek, find and recover Dennis. Love held them together, and is still holding them together, and one day, the total truth will be made known. Thanks be to God for a Good Samaritan, who saw, and called for the authority to take over, and the body of Dennis was recovered.
The remains of a son of a mother, son of a father, a brother to a sister, an uncle to a nephew or nice, a member of the student body, an expected graduate of year of 2016, a future leader, a member of a church, a member of the community, a member of the world, was recovered, and will soon be laid to eternal rest. And the words of last fair well will be echoed: Dust return to dust, Ashes return to ashes.
May all honor and thanksgiving be to the source and fountain of life, for in Christ Jesus we have a hope, we look forward to the day of resurrection, where everybody will be resurrected to eternity, good and evil the same. The Judge will reward each one according to the works of this life. Bad works will be judged to hell, and good works will be judged to heaven.
Those who died in Christ Jesus will be resurrected to everlasting life, and reign eternally with the Lord. The value of life is found in its creator, in God’s purpose of eternity for His people.
People have to decide to seek life, to find life, to live a life of hope, in this world and in the world to come. People have to decide to love God, love each other, and love to spend life in eternity with God, the source of love.
The clergy members are the shepherds of the flock, shepherding the members of the communities, entrusted to this noble task by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. United together, we are able to hold each other, to reach into all the boundaries of New England, and the boundaries of the world. We are the light and the salt, and out acts of love are everlasting. We stand together with the believed family, the friends, and the community.