Monday, March 3, 2025

Former UK Councillor appeal to Uhuru and Raila to let him lead Kenya

Former UK Councillor appeal to Uhuru and Raila to let him lead Kenya

Former UK Councillor appeal to Uhuru and Raila to let him lead Kenya
Mr. Munyambu contesting for MP in Thurrock, Essex, UK last year

“GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO LEAD KENYA”:Britain based Kenyan politician, Daniel Munyambu  who was first elected Councillor by 52 % in a white dominated area of Basildon in 2011 and later last year contested for  a House of commons Member of parliament is making an appeal to President Uhuru and the main official opposition leader Raila Odinga to join hands and give him the  chance to lead Kenya and  turn a new page for the country by applying the skills, experience  and leadership he has gained in British system.

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The 42 years old, who is being   headhunted by two political parties in Kenya that sponsored a former  president  said in an interview,  that five decades now, Kenya has been  more divided not only along tribal lines but also socially and economically. Social ladder has been non-existent. Inequality has been as a result of the dead duck economic policies that has failed not only in meeting the potential Gross Domestic Product but also has been a disaster in job creation, per capita income and has seen increase in trade deficit.

It`s pathetic that wage differential stands at 200 and that we have wages as low as Kshs. 5,000 a month in informal jobs especially house maids. The presence of over 3 million Kenyans in the diaspora is a reflection of calamitous economy  as  other African countries like Botswana has a negligible citizens in the diaspora as Gross Domestic product per capita in their country is four times  higher to that of Kenya.

Economic blunder that has been based on extensive growth has affected every aspect of public life as every year 400,000 youth without skills or higher education joins unemployment club that has accumulated to an alarming 11 million unemployed.  While education and national economy are meant to be intertwined, the former has been designed to serve individualist purpose for the privileged few  who can afford higher education for speciality and expertise that reflects employers demand leaving millions without hope ever to better their lives.

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Impotent policies  has forced 6 million Kenyans to live in slums across the country from Uhuru Owino , Kibera, Manyatta  among others which is against  Kenya  Constitution that provides  for every Kenyan to have adequate housing  and also it breach human rights as provided by  International  Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsarticle 11(1).

My priority will be to fix the economy, creating jobs, reforming education system, health, security, housing and promoting social cohesion. Corruption will be a thing of the past. I will start by reducing tax payers burden  through downsizing the government  by 40% and replacing with digital government which will be reliable and available around the clock and it will not only  cut the cost but also reduce corruption significantly as the direct contact between tax payer and tax collector  will be eliminated.

The savings shall be channelled to human resources development, healthcare and infrastructure.  Selected long-lasting industrial policies will be employed that will include knowledge economy that will aim at doubling GDP from the current $60B to $120B per year, increase in GDP per capita to $5000, eradicate obsolete poverty, reduce unemployment by 70-80%, improve human development and create conducive  financial environment  for Foreign Direct Investment. I will aim at improving living standard for Kenyans, reduce inflation rate to a 3% target that will boast consumer`s buying power  as well as imports  as purchasing power parity  will see Kenya shilling growing stronger  at an exchange  rate of Ksh40 to a USA dollar and become more stronger with time. Consumer goods will be cheaper significantly.

To remarkably reduce unemployment both in urban and rural areas,the Towns Act will be passed in parliament that will see new towns built in every constituency  with similar facilities that includes hospitals, shopping malls, banks, and regenerating old  towns   among other  services. The funds will come from central government budget allocation, foreign funds and investors. This will create millions of jobs both in short and long term and improving living standard.

Education system will be revolutionized toserve the national economy and I will start by digitising  textbooks  that will eliminate  the burden of parents buying books. A ministry of Human Resources to be established to oversee implementing human development policy. Education from primary to secondary school will be free for all and healthy meals to be provided to primary school pupils.

Higher education shall be funded through grants and long term loans  for all and vocational centres  with modern facilities  with well-paid trained staffs  to be established in every county that will offer training in knowledge economy including training healthcare professionals to serve the needs of the local people.

There shall be” get back to school for adult” program for those who didn’t get opportunity for higher education which shall be funded through long term loans and grants. Open University will be launched that will serve millions of Kenyans. The role of healthcare and education will be devolved to county governments. The aim will be to have over 90% of Kenyans graduates at university level  which will improve not only chance to improving living standard but also ameliorate human development.


County governments to have power to establish local police force that will work in coordination with the national police to ensure adequate security, which will also  include stationing other  intelligence agents  at local level  to work as a team  in detecting and acting on crimes. As I deal with cross-border insecurity, among other measures, locally, with the understanding that unemployment is one of the source of insecurity, I will equip millions of Kenyans with relevant skills that reflects market demand and providing jobs for them locally as well as abroad especially  lobbying  to multinational companies to outsource their services to Kenyan youths  who will already have received  the right  training in information technology.


Housing is a national issue that affects not only  the 6 million who lives in slums across the country but also middle and low income earners as well as unemployed and the poor both in urban and rural areas. Due to chronic housing deficit, working class pay rent as high as 30% of their disposable income leaving them struggling to make the ends meet.  I will initiate an elaborate social housing program that will be devolved to county governments by applying economies  of scope, modern technology  among other measures to cut the cost.

 The aim is to target the low income earners and the poor both in rural and urban to provide them with adequate housing . Legal and institutional frame work will be stepped up to eliminate politics in the program. County governments will receive intergovernmental funds ensuring equalization to limit disparities in housing needs.  Upgrading slums will be implemented at county level.

Every county will identify the housing needs of the local people including those in subsistence farming, the poor and unemployed and facilitate them with adequate housing.  Town Act will set the basis for legal and political paradigm for land use  in towns to reduce the cost in housing construction.  Funds to finance the program will be sourced from established public banks, cooperatives, private investors, government subsidy in imported building materials as well as funds from United Nations Human Settlement Programme Fund.

Slum upgrading  shall not only  provide adequate housing but will be aimed at  construction  of health facilities, schools, shopping malls and other economic activities to create  employment for local people.  National Housing bank will be established to provide access to mortgage for both middle and low income earners. Every county will have its own factory onsite to manufacture cheap building blocks that will offer an alternative to natural stones.


Kenyans  in the Diaspora  will form 40% of the government that will hold the main ministries especially; economy, transport, health and education and other public appointments.

Am calling upon all Kenyans both at home and in the diaspora to transcend any differences, historical or current and we work as one society, one Kenya  to make our country great for all. Am also welcoming  all those with similar or different ideas and ideals to work with me as one team. Contact:

Mr. Daniel Munyambu donating footballs to youth in Kenya


Former UK Councillor appeal to Uhuru and Raila to let him lead Kenya


  1. Sorry my friend but Kenya is not the kind of country that is led by someone on the basis of their impressive CV. Even the people on the ground i.e. the led will more than likely frustrate you because they are not used to things being ran in a normal, efficient corruption-free way. That is why sometimes people who’ve lived in diaspora cannot adjust to the way things are done back there. Also leadership is not given by Uhuru and/or Raila. You should tell the masses and try to convince them. Do you see Miguna Miguna or people Barack Abonyo and others with impressive CVs from Diaspora making traction with the voters? Very rarely if at all. If God sent you overseas to make an impact, please be mayor there and be contented. Don’t try to export that kind of mentality back to Kenya, you will run back with carry on luggage for you won’t even have time to check in luggage. Take it easy. Leadership in the West is more academic than in Africa

  2. Mr. Daniel.
    Thank you for your bold step. sincerely speaking it is high time Kenya is led by someone of high integrity, honest transparent, courageous and one who would be ready to sacrifice for the Kenyan people, because Kenyans have suffered enough for many years. But I doubt Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga would ever sit down to discuss stepping down for you, as undemocratic as it would be. If that would ever happen, then the treaty they would recommend for you to sign before they step down for you, would be too disastrous for Kenyans to bear, because they must demand to be protected thereafter, as well as their families and their friends, from any challenges over corruption or any other crimes they may have committed while in office.
    Mr. Daniel, you must be aware that the state at which Kenya is today, there can never be any positive changes void corruption, mysterious murders and mysterious disappearances of Kenyans, and no one up right and capable of bringing positive changes into Kenya, can win the Presidency through an election, no matter who the observers of such an election would be. Kenyans should brace themselves to live with corruption and the other vices for many years to come, unless there comes up a revolution of some kind in Kenya sooner. The resistance of positive changes exercised by the few rich Kenyans and the middle class, is so high, such that only a revolution can out do them, because they fear that such positive changes would change them.
    Nevertheless, it is individual courageous Kenyans like you, who would bring such positive changes.

  3. At last! Some noble sober mind. A man of integrity. The kind that Kenya desperately needs a time like now. A time when impunity is becoming a chronic disease. A time when politicians are breathing hate and ethnicity. A time when Kenyans are tired of the “tirany of numbers”. A time when leaders (oh did I just say leaders?) are physically fighting each other behind Cosy red carpeted boardrooms. A time when the youth of this country Kenya are languishing in poverty with Post Graduate Degrees in their closets. A time when the women and children of Kenya are languishing in poverty. A time when food insecurity is becoming a National Pademic. Should I continue, really?
    As a youth in Kenya, I wish to call upon all Kenyans from all Counties to put aside our ethnicity and vote in a neutral person. A person who is clean from political fraudulence. A person who has all Kenyans a heart. A person who has been to the mountain top. A person who has seen the promised land.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I am persuaded beyond reasonable doubt, that HON. DANIEL MUNYAMBU is the CHANGE we need in this country. Let’s go for him.
    God bless you.
    God bless Kenya.

  4. We as kenyans of somber mind we need some one of your kind of leadership. My prayer is that God gives you health and wealth grace and mercy during and after the campaign trail. God bless you bloo

  5. Danii it’s good to have such ambitions. We all need and looking for one person who can lead in truth, honesty, and fear of God. acknowledging God presence in all, if you feel convinced them go for it.

  6. i think, it takes not only a leader, but a leader to know and understand what the wants and needs for the welfare of the people, a leader loved by many people

  7. If you read this for the sake, you need to read again and comprehend everything that this great leader has for us, this is the kind of leader we want in Kenya, we have been used by Kenyan politicians for their own benefits for long enough, I believe in this man all the issues he has touched are the ones affecting us especially insecurity and jobs for the youths. Congratulations Mr Daniel one of our own

  8. I believe Mr.Munyambu has bitten all odds to earn leadership. Being elected as the 1st Kenyan councillors by whites is a clear demonstration of faith and confidence superpowers have for Africans. Yet is a sad affair we do not believe in our own that’s why they are poached. Best skills have been exported to serve the already developed countries. Yet we spend billions importing the same skills. Is it that we do not believe in ourselves? It’s time we put faith where we put our efforts. I am convinced of the areas you have mentioned after all figures don’t lie however it would be critical for members of Basildon to attest to what you have accomplished during your tenure in serving them. This I am confident will instil more confidence and will form basis of your leadership in the country. Gatundu north needs those skills and the country at large. They say a prophet is always celebrated outside his home town …We hope Kenya will celebrate you in your bowl country.

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