Friday, July 26, 2024

Panic in Church as snake slithers out of woman’s handbag


There was panic inside a hall in Embu town, after a snake emerged from a woman’s handbag, during a prayer session conducted by Pastor Lucy Natasha on Saturday afternoon.

The black snake with white spots come out of a black polythene bag as the cleric held prayers for people with various needs, sending the about 1,500 faithful inside Emco Hall scampering for safety.

Many of the scared faithful took cover outside the building while others stood over their seats as the snake, which was about half a metre long, started moving from the pulpit.

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However, the snake was soon killed and and burnt using petroleum by a few brave people.

Pastor Natasha narrated how the incident terrified the faithful as pastors teamed up to pray for the woman.

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“When we tried to kill the snake, it started transforming into many creatures. At one moment it looked like a caterpillar, then it swelled up to take the shape of a butterfly. It is sad that people are still practicing witchcraft in this age,” said the pastor.

According to Pastor Simba Manyuki of Around the Globe Deliverance Ministry, the smartly dressed woman had entered the building in the afternoon and sat near the back as various preachers shared Bible verses.

Rev Natasha then took to the podium and shared the word after which she started praying for people facing various problems in life.


“It was after the prayers had been said that the woman started shaking and became almost violent. Rev Natasha summoned ushers to bring her forward. The woman surged forward as if she wanted to attack someone while clinging onto her handbag,” recounted Pastor Manyuki.

It is then that Rev Natasha pointed out that she was a devil’s agent and started praying for her and ordered that the handbag be opened.

When Pastor Peter Nyaga, a clergyman based in Tanzania took the handbag, they found various paraphernalia related to witchcraft.

“Upon interrogation, the woman said she was sent to scuttle the prayer meeting and the snake usually leads her. It was alive and started moving up the pulpit. It was wrapped in a round thing that had blood,” said pastor Manyuki.

Rev Natasha was on a four day inter-denominational prayer meeting that was attended by a host of pastors from Tanzania including celebrated gospel artiste Christina Shusho.

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