Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Fake news on Immigration: Kenyan Diaspora should Truth

Fake news on Immigration: Kenyan Diaspora should Truth
Fake news on Immigration: Kenyan Diaspora should Truth

The age of face book and social media has given rise to all kinds of freedom of speech. It is hard to find someone walking around the streets of Nairobi without a cell phone. In fact it is believed that most Kenyans who own a cell phone are also registered with WHATS-APP, face book, and other methods of socializing. This is no different from those Kenyans who are in the Diaspora. It is here that rumors and fake news on the Trump immigration policy is rampant! Someone forwarded one of the rumors to me and it is a bunch of non-sense.

Fake news and rumors did not start with the dawn of the Internet. When the roman soldiers assigned to guarding the Tomb of Christ found out that Jesus of Nazareth had risen from the dead, they sent out propaganda and fake news informing the public that the disciples had stolen his body. Jesus knew the damage that fake news can have on the truth! It is for this reason that He came back a second time from heaven to the gathering of the disciples. He wanted to make sure that none of the disciples believed the rumors about his resurrection.  He took it so seriously that he had to show Thomas His hands and feet to assure him that His death and resurrection were real.

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To this end Jesus told Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John29: 22.

In this age of rumors about the immigration order, social media is abuzz about Kenyans being restricted in travelling to the United States. In fact there are face book posts and fake news stories been circulated regarding this issue.

All what people need to do is visit the United States Embassy in Nairobi website. This is their statement!
On January 27, President Trump signed an Executive Order temporarily suspending entry into the United States of foreign nationals from seven countries –Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya – as we review current security vetting procedures.  Kenyan citizens are not affected by this Executive Order.
This Order does not change visa reciprocity or validity for Kenyan travelers to the United States in any way.  The U.S. Embassy in Nairobi continues to issue five-year, multiple entry visas for Kenyans travelling for tourism, business, and study, and we continue to process immigrant visas (green cards) for Kenyans.  There is no quota for the number of Kenyans permitted visas or entry to the United States.  Furthermore, this Order does not affect the permitted duration of stay for Kenyan visitors, which is determined at the port of entry and is usually a maximum of six months for tourists. Purported news reports and stories on social media claiming such restrictions are completely false.
We continue to welcome legitimate travel to the United States by Kenyans and will announce any other changes affecting travelers to the United States on our website

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So it is written, so it is!

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD)
CEO Bibilia Broadcasting Network BBN-TV Kenya
HTBluff Associates
Diaspora Messenger Senior Columnist

Fake news on Immigration: Kenyan Diaspora should Truth

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