Tuesday, March 4, 2025

International Press Confirms Railas’ Dangerous Tribal Rhetoric

International Press Confirms Railas' Dangerous Tribal Rhetoric
International Press Confirms Railas’ Dangerous Tribal Rhetoric

Kenya enjoys peace and prosperity until elections begin. Historically, elections have become paths to dangerous winds that resurrect old tribal hatred, jealousy and divisions. Before any given elections in Kenya, Kenyans live peacefully with each other. Take the recent SGR train as an example: Kenyans of all walks of life have gone out to ride this new wave without incidence of divisions. Every one is excited about this new development move by the government!

However, bring in the politicians and all hell breaks loose. Take for example; the issue of land has been silent during the first reign of Uhuru Kenyatta. People from different ethnic groups live together all over the country (the Trans Nzoia is different because it is about resources than land ownership). Now that politicians are out campaigning, the issue of ethnicity, victimization and other dangerous rhetoric is rampant. Some international press has noticed this development.

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This is Thomson Reuters Foundation News analysis of Raila O’dinga Maasai Land issue rhetoric.

“Years of neglect and abuse is forcing them to trade in their birthright for survival,” opposition presidential candidate Raila Odinga told a news conference on Monday. “Jubilee has refused to enact proper laws to protect these community lands,” he said, referring to the ruling party of President Uhuru Kenyatta who hopes to retain power in elections on Aug. 8.
Last week (Raila Odinga) called on non-Maasai communities to “remain” on their own land rather than buying up Maasai ancestral land around Kajiado, 80 km (50 miles) south of the capital, Nairobi.
Land has been one of the main drivers of conflict in Kenya since independence in 1963, with politicians whipping up historic grievances over land loss to incite their supporters to move away voters opposed to them, experts say.”

Even the international media see that Raila’s statement is meant to cause chaos. This kind of political nonsense must be rejected by all peace loving Kenyans. We can and should continue to live together in Peace!

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International Press Confirms Railas’ Dangerous Tribal Rhetoric

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