Among the common things that every person wants are love, acceptance, affirmation, a sense of security and protection. If you look closely, even the most hateful person craves for these. Today as I dressed in red in recognition of Valentine’s Day, a thought flashed through my mind. I recognized that the RED represents the BLOOD OF JESUS. Blood of Jesus made us acceptable to God.
Acceptance is the opposite of rejection or denial. As you dress yourself in red this week/month, consider that you have been reconciled to God through the Blood of Jesus. It is also through the same Blood that God says that nothing, not event your sins and failures will separate you from His Love, This new identity came with total wholeness. Shame, guilt and condemnation were all removed, Romans 8:1; Isaiah 1:18
Acceptance also means belonging. The red in the Blood of Jesus welcomes you to union and communion with God. You have been transposed into a new family; the family of God. It is the family of the new covenant, an inheritance that you now share. . Now we have been grafted in. We belong. Romans 11:1
Consider the red that you are wearing as the Blood that restored your identity in God. Through the Blood of Jesus, you are a royalty, seated with Christ in high places, a conqueror, a royal priesthood, a peculiar person, set apart for Him. In Psalm 139 and Colossians 2:9-10 among other Scriptures show the fullness of your identity in Christ.
The Blood of Jesus empowers you, the Blood speaks for you, the Blood fights for you, and the Blood of Jesus overcomes for you! RED=THE BLOOD OF JESUS
The Blood has afforded NONDISCRIMINATORY ACCEPTANCE. We can be bold to say that GOD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FATHER & LOVER. He continues to accept us just as we are. He is a respecter of no person. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise, Galatians 3:28-29
Wear red with pride this season. God sees you as you were meant to be. He sees your destiny through the Blood of Jesus. In Him you live, move and have your being. You are the accepted of the Lord. Happy valentine’s week!