Monday, March 3, 2025

Njambi Koikai reveals her lover took off after learning of her illness

Njambi Koikai reveals her lover took off after learning of her illness
Njambi Koikai reveals her lover took off after learning of her illness

Njambi stated she had been in toxic relationships thanks to her disease, endometriosis – She also revealed she was dumped by a past lover thanks to her ailment

Njambi has suffered from the disease for 19 years but is now recovering following treatment in US Njambi Koikai has revealed her illness has robbed her of a normal life and numerous opportunities. According to her, she has endured a whole 19 years of pain and suffering thanks to complications resulting from endometriosis.

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In a detailed Instagram post, she revealed how she lost relationships and lovers thanks to the dreaded disease.

According to her, she was even dumped thanks to her condition and ended up in a bunch of toxic situationships later. “I’ve lost great opportunities because of this pain. I was dumped because of this pain and I ended up in some crazy relationships,” she painfully narrated.

Njambi further revealed how at times she’d smile through the pain as that was the only normal she could relate to.

Yesterday was my day with the cardiologist. It’s very important for women with painful periods to seek medical attention asap. See over the years especially during my period, my heart rate would be so high over 120 beats. It would beat so high and fast i thought it would come out through my chest. You see Endometriosis is a very complex disease affecting millions of women silently. A period should never be painful. A period should never cause increased heart rate. A period should never cause your lungs to collapse. A period should never cause your organs to intertwine. So Endometriosis combined with all the surgeries I’ve gone through created a thick layer on my heart. When i explained about my heart rate issue to one of my doctors back home, i was prescribed with a certain drug that i thought would end this problem. Yesterday, they did all sorts of tests and fixed me with a heart monitor. I now have this little gadget the size of a phone, connected to my heart and my doctor. So it reads everytime my heart rate is high and sends the info to the doc immediately. I will have it on for the next 2 weeks. My resolve is to make sure women get all the help they need. Our healthcare system should change. Our doctors should be trained to deal with women’s reproductive healthcare because a pregnancy is not a cure. I’m kindly asking for your help to raise Kshs.5 million for pending hospital bills and cost of therapy. For the international fam kindly see the gofundme link on my bio For the US fam cashapp is 678-478-7804 Lucy Karuri In the for section kindly put ‘Njambi Endofund’ #jahmbyarmy #koikaisoldiers #endometriosis #endofighter #endowarrior #thoracicendometriosis

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As a young girl, she would sweat and bottle up all the pain which according to her narration, blocked her dreams and hopes. “I learnt to work with it. I learnt to scream and enjoy myself on radio and when i couldn’t work I’d call in sick. I learnt to chin up and read the news on TV with it,” she narrated.

As a little girl, i had big dreams. I was a geeky brainy child. Never did i think that life has it’s own twists and turns. I got my first period at 13. I’d catch the KBS to Ambassadeur and head to school. On this day though, i felt a certain sharp pain in my abdomen. Then i started sweating and you all know how those KBS buses would be so packed in the morning…i felt like I’d just been dropped in the middle of Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, the Sahara Desert and a little mix of Mombasa with Wajir. Joto mwenda. I turned back and went home. Long story short, I’d started my period. That pain never left my body for the last 19years. Endometriosis ravaged me from the onset of my period. I learnt to live with it. I learnt to work with it. I learnt to scream and enjoy myself on radio and when i couldn’t work I’d call in sick. I learnt to chin up and read the news on tv with it. I learnt to live with pain. Pain has been a part of me for so long. I’ve lost great opportunities because of this pain. I was dumped because of this pain and i ended up in some crazy relationships. I’ve been receiving treatment and the healing process has not been easy. Endometriosis ravaged my body. There’s healing. There’s hope. We are overcoming. I’m moving over into a new realm of normalcy and I’m ready for it. My prayer is that God will bless me with all the strength to help other women battling Endometriosis. It’s been one heck of a journey but i don’t regret it. These are the lessons I’m carrying forward. God’s faithfulness, grit, endurance, tenacity, faith, hope, truth, love and justice. Jer 29:11 My heart is now being monitored due to a thickening on the outside layer caused by Endometriosis. I’ve dealt with crazy heart rates over the years so I’m now seeing a cardiologist with my other 2 doctors. I’m in need of your help to raise Kshs. 5 million to pay for the pending hospital bill and cost of therapy. Paybill Number is 490681 Account Name is Jahmby Koikai Fund For the international fam kindly see the gofundme link on my bio For the US fam cashapp is 678-478-7804 Lucy Karuri In the for section kindly put ‘Njambi Endofund’ #jahmbyarmy #koikaisoldiers #jahmbybeatingendo #endometriosis

A post shared by Jahmby Conqueror (@jahmbykoikai) on

Njambi is on her way to recovery after undergoing a life saving surgery in the US to deal with her endometriosis. The disease is accompanied by painful periods and affects the lungs and other vital organs.

She still needs at least KSh 5 million to cater for the remaining expenses of her treatment which now includes her heart which was affected by the endometriosis.

By Venessa Nyasio


Njambi Koikai reveals her lover took off after learning of her illness

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