Monday, March 3, 2025

Optiven Video Goes Viral after featuring in Global News Channels

Optiven Video Goes Viral after featuring in Global News Channels
Optiven Video Goes Viral after featuring in Global News Channels

A video by Optiven Creative team showing staff members playing children games have gone viral after featuring in global news channels. Below are the  news channels that featured the video:

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1. Storyful
2. BBC Newsround
3. CNN Russian
4. Reuters
5. NY Times
6. Fox news
7. E News
8. 22 Words
9. YahooFinance
10. LEDBible
11. TheEveningStandard London
Indeed,  Optiven is home to Innovation


Peter Obwoge is a 50 years old Kenyan and a father of 5 who lives in Nyamira County, Kenya. Peter though, contracted polio when he was an infant and has been immobile all his life. The tides have now changed for Peter, when Optiven Foundation recently intervened and offered him a free wheelchair, which he is now using to move around.
Peter can now fend for his wonderful family with more agility and ease of movement. *Do you have a wheelchair that is lying idle at your home’s backyard and would wish to donate it to someone who really needs one? Just get in touch with Optiven Foundation, Kenya* .
Contact the Head of Optiven Foundation: +254 20 2484022 / +254 718 776033

Optiven Video Goes Viral after featuring in Global News Channels


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