Thursday, March 13, 2025

Work of the Ministry: Saturate yourself with His presence

Apostle Dr Symon Kariuki/Diaspora Messenger Contributor

My thoughts this morning have been flooded by the phrase, “The Work of The Ministry.”

Why did God appoint, give and leave the fivefold ministry to do the Work of the Ministry? What does the work of the Ministry constitute? Why is the Work of the Ministry so important?

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The scripture in Ephesians 4:11-13 will guide my contemplation this morning. It says, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;”

The Work of the Ministry should not be limited to preaching, purifying, preparing, prophesying, promoting, priestly duties or setting prisoners free. These are all important components of the Work of the Ministry but there is more to it.

The three principal things mentioned in our principal scripture which everyone appointed for the Work of the Ministry should note is, first, unity of the faith, secondly, knowledge of the Son of God and finally fullness of Christ. I have picked these three phrases from the scripture above to highlight three primary mandates of the Work of the Ministry.

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You cannot do the Work of the Ministry effectively if you have a divisive spirit, you are ignorant or are empty of Christ. Those mandated to lead others to the Fullness of Christ must be full of Christ themselves.

It is therefore imperative to saturate yourself with His presence in such an overflowing manner that automatically activates the Work of the Ministry. The Work of the Ministry can be done anywhere because it is an overflow of who you are with God in private. The private ministry of prayer, study and inner harmony is what empowers the public.

Noting those truly called for the Work of the Ministry is critical in order to fully benefit from what they carry. A select few are in the fivefold based on the scripture above. We should therefore value, protect and provide for those truly mandated. Ministering to our Ministers is fundamental.

I declare that you shall be fully equipped for the work of the ministry by the genuine Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers set in your way.

I come against every divisive spirit on your home, Church or Government hindering progress, peace or productivity.

I decree a saturation of divine and academic knowledge that will make the work of the Ministry or career effective and excellent.

I call you to the fullness of Christ!

I decree unity, knowledge and fullness in all other areas where you are lacking in Jesus mighty name.

Apostle Dr Symon Kariuki

Kingdom Age Network of Apostles and Prophets (KANAP)




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