It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of Elizabeth Wanjiku Maina of Woodford, UKÂ which occurred on Monday the 06/02/2020 at Royal London Hospital. She was a mother to Charles, Lucy, Newton, Nancy, Leonard, Pauline and Susan.
A grandmother to Ronnie, Natasha, Vanessa, Danny, Alyanah, Jayden, Paul, Trisha, Ethan, Jeremiah, Nyla, Savannah, Moe, Jeremiah, and Joanna.
She was also a secondary mother and grandmother to so many more.
Family and friends will be meeting at Noah’s Ark Sanctuary, Orchard Hall, 150 Broadmead Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0AG from 11am to 1pm. People are also meeting at 12 Althorne Gardens E18 2DA this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 5pm -9pm and the same goes for next week as well.
For financial assistance please use these bank details:
Miss Lucy Maina, Account No. 53354334, Sort Code 20-76-90.
For more information please contact;
– Lucy – 07932 788995
– Mumbi – 07951 191938
– Vanessa – 07984378123
Elizabeth will be buried on the 28th Feb 2020 in her home in Kirinyaga.
2 Timothy 4:7 “He has fought a good fight, he has finished the course and have kept the faith. ” Amen
Death Announcement For Elizabeth Wanjiku Maina of Woodford, UK