Kenyans seeking jobs abroad unable to travel over tough agency license rules
Failed renewal of licenses for recruiting agencies and longer training requirements is curtailing travel by Kenyans seeking jobs abroad, industry players have said.
This is mainly on unskilled labour in the Middle East.
Of the about 500 recruiting agencies captured in National Employment Authority (NEA) system, 80 per cent have not had their licensed renewed, agents say, putting their business at halt which is further exposing their clients abroad at risk of exploitation.
Most licenses expired at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, between March and October last year, with some dating back to 2019.
This, as recruiting agents decry graft at NEA where some officials are using the process as a cash cow.
The authority is said to be licensing new entities with a new license going for Sh500,000, while sidelining those seeking renewals.
“I have been put on hold for more than one year. Up to now, we are waiting for NEA to assign an officer to come and inspect our offices, which is not forthcoming. This is despite meeting all the requirement,” Kamau, a director of a recruiting agency in Nairobi told the Star yesterday.
Last week, Labour Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui said more than 300 private companies were registered last year to place Kenyans in jobs abroad after they were subjected to vetting.
“We vetted and registered 302 private employment agencies to recruit Kenyans to the labour market abroad,” the CS said.
While he noted an increase in demand for labour abroad, the new curriculum introduced by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) is proving to be an uphill task for the majority of unskilled Kenyans, mainly those seeking house helps jobs abroad.
NITA on January 13, wrote homecare management training providers on the new requirements which scrap the traditional pre-departure orientation of 14 days, introducing a training of between 21 and 30 days, at a fee of between Sh8,000 and Sh25,000.
This, even as it moved to cut training schools from 64 to 17, reducing the country’s capacity to prepare the job seekers for departure.
Currently, available institutions can accommodate about 2,024 persons, against a monthly target of 12,000 a month, based on the market demand.
Only those who have passed their exams are allowed to travel. They must also have a standard eight certificate, which agents say is not required by the employer.