Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Story Is Unique: It Could Be What The World Is Waiting For, Tell It!

Your Story Is Unique: It Could Be What The World Is Waiting For, Tell It!

Your Story Is Unique: It Could Be What The World Is Waiting For, Tell It!We all have a story to tell, and no one can tell it better than we. Most of the time however, we have let our stories die for the fear of the unknown. We are afraid of whether the world will resonate with us, or whether our story is worth sharing in the first place. The worst of all is that we compare our story to someone else’s and let ours go.

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Take a class set up, for instance, there’s one subject teacher for all students. When a test is administered, not all students come out with the same result. They obviously didn’t have the same exam experience.  To some it was a hell of a test, to others it was neither here nor there, yet a number wonder what was so difficult about it. Your story is unique; my story is unique. No matter how close our stories appear to be, they are different. We have different experiences and come out differently. That is what the world needs to know.

Doubt may make you look down on your story, making it insignificant. The truth however is that there’s at least one person whose life is dependent on what you are yet to give out. There may be lots of motivation out there but yours is different. Instead of killing the idea, instead of burying the story, think about the possibility that lives will be transformed by your story, and they will for sure. It could be your innovation, breakthrough, or even your loss, there’s something in it that the world will benefit from.

Yes, it is possible that someone is only waiting for your story to face life with courage. It could be your story that will set a soul ablaze for greatness. Maybe, and most likely, your story will make someone believe in themselves again, give life a second thought, pick up their pieces and try again. Do not deprive humanity of what it needs most, your story. Someone’s story touched and transformed your life, how much more your own story? Impossible is Nothing!

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By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger contributor

Your Story Is Unique: It Could Be What The World Is Waiting For, Tell It!

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