Friday, March 14, 2025

Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries Faith Event in Marietta GA

Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries Faith Event in Marietta GA

Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries Faith Event in Marietta GAGreetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christ Harvesters Global Outreach
Ministries invites You to a Faith Event as we raise funds for the Purchase of Our New Church
Property in Kennesaw Georgia on August the 8th 2021 from 1:00 pm – 4pm.
God Has supernaturally given us a Church Property that seats on 8.27 Acres with 12,000 SQ Ft

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If God would Calls You to be Part of this historic event: Join us at 877 Franklin Gateway
Suite # 200 Marietta Ga 30067 or Send your Gift to: Cash App 470-447-9234
($chgmofaithproject) or Texting the Word CHMIFAITH to 833-245-7541.



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Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries. Overseer

Apostle David Karanja 678.860.1470 or Joseph Kamau, Project Director 470.447.9234

Christ Harvesters Global Outreach Ministries is an Apostolic Lighthouse with a Mandate to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Nations. We have an Assignment to Teach and Preach the uncompromised Word of God.

Our Mission

Making Disciples and Transforming Lives.

Our Vision

To be an Apostolic Lighthouse that is a Fountain of Deliverance, Healing and Restoration where Disciples are Raised, Equipped and Developed.

Our Core Values

Core Values in our ministry refer to those closely held truths that define us. These are the “DNA” that defines our operations as a ministry and portray our unique identity. They affect our daily procedures, decision-making, leadership and goal setting among others.

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