Kenyans traveling from 1st January, 2022 will need to have the new e-passport, this is after the expiry of the old generation machine-readable passports which had been extended from 1st March, 2021, to 31st December, 2021.
According to messages posted in many Kenyan Embassies early this year 2021, Kenyan Citizens living in Diaspora were notified that the Government of the Republic of Kenya had extended
the use of the old generation machine-readable passports (dark blue
passports) from 1st March, 2021, to 31st December, 2021.
The message also read that as of 1st January, 2022, the old generation machine-readable passports will
be invalid and No Kenyan will be able to travel internationally without a
valid East African Community biometric E-Passport.
Throughout the year, Kenyans had been reminded again and again to take advantage of the extension and apply for the East African Community biometric E-Passport through the eCitizen Portal.
The applications for the new Kenyan E-Passport were made available at all Kenyan Embassies, Kenya High Commissions and Consulates.
By Isaac Kariuki/Diaspora Messenger
Kenya to Open more centers for e-Passports in Counties and the Diaspora
No Kenyan will be able to travel without E-Passport from 1st January, 2022