THE WORD: Jesus told Martha, “You are careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42
THE POINT: “Oh no, not again!” It seems like there’s always something: financial problems, marital conflicts, difficulties with children, faulty products, accidents, etc. And no one is exempt! Thus, Jesus lovingly pointed out that Martha was letting too many things get to her. Furthermore, all these things were taking their toll on Martha: causing her to be anxious, worried, and distressed.
We are still doing the same thing today. However, there is no need to get all hot and bothered and become overwhelmed. Jesus offered a simple solution. He made it clear that only one thing was needful for Martha. Jesus referred to Mary as the prime example. Mary made a choice; she exercised faith and then she took action.
Mary simply sat down at the feet of Jesus and waited upon Him. Rather than trying to figure out what choices to make, she went directly to the Source. Mary chose to get her instructions from Christ, and Christ alone!
THE APPLICATION: What is necessary to offset the anxiety that we all too often feel? You must follow Mary’s example of waiting patiently upon the Lord. Look to the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of your circumstances. Submit yourself to Him.
Get your directions from the Lord. Then rely completely upon Him to enable you to work through each situation. Your choice is singular—choose Christ and live. He is your life and He will do the living through you! The choice you make will determine the course you take.
Therefore, choose Christ; fix your choice upon Him, and leave the choices to Him. Christ will never lead you astray. He has your best interest at heart. What He does will always make a difference in your life, for both time and eternity. And no one can take that away from you!
THE PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, sometimes when I don’t get what I think I need, or can’t understand something, I become anxious and frustrated. Based on what You said to Martha, it is clear that You’re all I need! Furthermore, I have You because You live in me. More importantly, You have me and You will never let me go. Therefore, You will provide whatever I need. Thank You, Lord, that I have the one thing needful. I have You Lord, and You’re all I need!”
By Dr. Lewis Gregory: Diaspora Messenger Contributor/