Saturday, September 7, 2024

Important things about voting: Voting matters and It has consequences

Important things about voting: Voting matters and It has consequences

Important things about voting: Voting matters and It has consequencesWhat do you think is the most important thing about voting? For those who think voting does not matter, let me be clear, it does. It has consequences.

What I share here below is an excerpt from my new book (How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias) This is a must have BOOK a must read BOOK to know how to rise and overcomeย racismย andย discriminationย in every sector of American life.


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Letโ€™s briefly discuss voting

My observations here are mostly related to the upcoming general election in America

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Have you asked yourself why there are so many Republican lawsuits in states across the whole country trying to make it more difficult for people to vote? There are so many that it’s hard to keep track of them all.

According to Boston Globe Fast Forward newsletter, the efforts are being led by Trump himself, who has frequently criticized voting by mail and even admitted that when a lot of people vote, Republicans have a harder time winning elections.

What happens when we donโ€™t vote?

I listened to a speaker on a podcast not long ago explaining what happens when we donโ€™t vote.

Here is what I learned:

When you stay at home on voting day, you disqualify yourself. Remember, beloved, voting is not simply about which president will be in power for the next four years. When you fail to vote, you do not understand the judicial legacy for example (as I have described in my book) that a president leaves long after he is not in office. This vote in November is not about the next four years. Itโ€™s about the next forty to fifty years.

When you donโ€™t vote, you donโ€™t help determine the judge that sits on the bench.

Now for all people of color and our allies, itโ€™s not enough to say, black lives matter, we have to do more than that. We have to vote. If you donโ€™t vote, then black lives donโ€™t matter to you. Donโ€™t tell me youโ€™re mad about racial injustices in America, if you donโ€™t vote. How dare you not vote?

When we fail to vote, we dismiss ourselves. Voting is all we got. And it gives us a part of leveling the playing field of justice in the United States of America.

There are powerful people, even in democratic nations, who do not want you to vote. The reason why they do not want you to vote is because they are afraid that you will take their power away from them. They will go to great lengths to obstruct voting, disenfranchise voters, or deliberately confuse, mislead, and manipulate you to feel like your vote โ€” and your voice, and your caring, and your conscience โ€” amount to nothing.

The people in power who fear losing their power and the privileges that go with it are the ones who donโ€™t want you to enact change through your vote. They have mistaken the political power they have been given as proof of their โ€œbetter-nessโ€ than you. They consider their power to be a part of their destiny; they think that the divine shines more brightly on them than on the rest of us.

They have forgotten that, with great power, comes great responsibility. And today, despite their efforts to stop you from voting, I am asking you to vote.

Those who understand that power is bestowed by the people are the ones who act, work for, and encourage the greatest representation possible โ€“ so that the greatest number of people can benefit.

As Dave Ursillo put it, when we speak of power in the scope of politics, we speak of the power to put people in cages; the power to deem who in our society is valuable or expendable. We speak of power that seeks to shatter families, power that stains the pages of history with blood and tears.

I implore you to vote, even if your political opinion is not the same as mine.

I am not encouraging you to vote for a specific candidate or party, even if I am personally very clear about who I am voting for. I believe in democracy, in one another, and our collective action.

Please, do not take your vote for granted. And do not surrender your power to those who use it wildly, dangerously, and irresponsibly. I am asking you to vote to show those in power โ€“ those lost few, especially those who fear and dread the loss of their power โ€“ that they are more feeble than they realize.

Vote, and make them know that they have broken the social contract they committed to when they took the positions they occupy as public servants.

Vote, and make them know that their power is indebted to us, the public, after all.

As you vote, please help your neighbor, grandparents, parents, cousins, kids, and friends understand the importance of voting โ€” and educate them on how to vote.

Voting allows you to do what only you can do America!

How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias

As I finish I want you to know how you can get this new book that I just wrote and that I borrowed this excerpt from: How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias), but before I do let me make few observations here.

It is important to point out that I don’t expect consensus on the issues I raise in this book, or on any of the other major issues we are all confronting right now as a nation. I don’t expect consensus on every perception, position, or solutions that I suggest. However, in spite of our different perspectives, I hope we can all agree that itโ€™s time to ask very hard questions, look deep inside ourselves and attempt to figure out not only how we got where we are, but also why we allowed ourselves to get this far. And then reason together what we all must do to get ourselves unstuck.

My career path has given me unique experiences that make it possible for me to share and present ideas on this subject with a style that is second to none. Itโ€™s truly something that you will never forget. And the experience that follows could mark the day that turns your life around.

Now see below how to get this book

You can order this book right away on Amazon. Right now the eBook: How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias is only $2.99 cents on Amazon right now until November 8, 2020.

I’m giving away free digital copies of BROKEN JUSTICE: WHEN LAWLESS GANGS CAPTURE THE STATEย toย anyone who purchases an Ebook copy of: How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias.

Also, you can preorder a print copy of: How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias on Amazon or directly from me. The book will be available in print format in about two weeks.

Iโ€™m giving free shipping and handling on the book plus free digital copies of BROKEN JUSTICE: WHEN LAWLESS GANGS CAPTURE THE STATEย to anyone who preorder right now: How to Rise Above Racism: A Primer for Understanding the Broader Ramifications of Implicit Bias which is going for $11:99. On Amazon, where you can preorder right now.

You can also preorder by sending payment through CASH APP to Joseph Mungai (ph. 319-325-3225) or mailing a check to P.O Box 5204 Coralville IA 52241. We also have other methods of payment available if you email me at:ย

If you feel inspired, please gift it to a friend.

When ordering your $2.99 EBook you can easily order FOR A FRIEND. You just click the button then put your friend’s email in. you can also preorder a print copy for a FOR A FRIEND.

If interested, I’m doing a small contest for fun. The TOP 5 PEOPLE who get the most copies for their friends will get free digital copies of my best-selling books:




Just email me confirmation of your receipt after adding your friends or preordering for them. And I will send you the digital copies right away.

Thank you for your support!

You will LOVE this book!

It’s definitely my best work

Cheers to 2021!


As a life skill coach, counselor, and a licensed chaplain, Joeโ€™s mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and empower them so they can find freedom and joy in life. He is passionate about helping people cope and grow through their experiences in life-changing circumstances.

Joe can be reached at:ย

Joe K. Mungai, MSW, LMSW

Ph. 319-325-3225 | Fax: 1 (319) 338-1717

Mailing address:

Postal office Box 5204 Coralville IA 52241


Important things about voting: Voting matters and It has consequences


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