If Christ were to Come to Your Church, What Would He Say? If Jesus Christ were to arrive at a Sunday morning service in many churches, not many pastors would have him speak. The reason is because their fellowship is
Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love? A teenage girl was having a conversation with a pastor. The girl expressed concerns that the pastor was not being sensitive to diversity.
Kenya’s Star Newspaper Mocks the Cross of Christ: Should Apologize: On the weekend, the Star newspaper cartoonist depicted MP Oscar Sudi hanging from the Cross. They did this hiding under the freedom
Christ is not a witch Doctor and priesthood of believers is not witchcraft: Demon possession and casting out demons have become more than a spiritual exercise in Kenya. Healing, speaking in tongues and the gifts
Who Would Christ Vote for in Kenya's Next Election? I Think I Know!: Christ commanded his disciples to, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God's,”