Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: Christ

If Christ were to Come to Your Church, What Would He Say?

If Christ were to Come to Your Church, What Would He Say? If Jesus Christ were to arrive at a Sunday morning service in many churches, not many pastors would have him speak. The reason is because their fellowship is

Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love?

Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love? A teenage girl was having a conversation with a pastor. The girl expressed concerns that the pastor was not being sensitive to diversity.

Kenya’s Star Newspaper Mocks the Cross of Christ: Should Apologize

Kenya’s Star Newspaper Mocks the Cross of Christ: Should Apologize: On the weekend, the Star newspaper cartoonist depicted MP Oscar Sudi hanging from the Cross. They did this hiding under the freedom

Understanding the Truth: Christ and the Priesthood of Believers

Christ is not a witch Doctor and priesthood of believers is not witchcraft: Demon possession and casting out demons have become more than a spiritual exercise in Kenya. Healing, speaking in tongues and the gifts

Who Would Christ Vote for in Kenya’s Next Election? I Think I Know!

Who Would Christ Vote for in Kenya's Next Election? I Think I Know!: Christ commanded his disciples to, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and  to God  the things that are God's,”

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