Jobs Abroad: Kenya to Deploy 1 Million NYS Officers In Diaspora - CS Kuria. Public Service CS Moses Kuria is looking forward to deploying 1 million National Youth Service (NYS) officers to fill up jobs President William Ruto
Challenges of Investing Back Home from Diaspora: Investing back home (country of origin) from abroad (diaspora investing) can come with several challenges due to the geographical and logistical distance. Here are some common challenges faced by people in the diaspora when investing in Kenya and potential remedies:
Leadership That Kenya Needs: Nyeri Diaspora Advisory Council: In January this year, Governor Mutahi Kahiga of Nyeri County appointed Prof Peter Ndiang’ui as the County Honorary
Diaspora Stories: From Bank Job in Kenya to Homeless in Canada: Kenyan Diaspora Daniel Wanyeki, a former banker left Kenya for Canada but faced hurdles that left him homeless and at the mercy of shelters.
Diaspora County48 evacuates Kenyan patient stranded in Abu Dhabi: A Kenyan patient who had been stranded at a UAE hospital in Abu Dhabi has been evacuated. Fatuma Thoya had sought treatment
Optiven Keeps the Promise to deliver title deeds to Diaspora in 2023: For starters we had a very encouraging welcome in the United States of America where hundreds of investors were able to receive the promise by Optiven to deliver title deeds. The joy for both the Optiven team and our valued customers was as palpable as it was repeated in all the states that we visited.
Jambo List: The Simple Gateway to Diaspora Market for African Owned Businesses. Breaking into the Diaspora market is a huge challenge for many businesses not only in Kenya but across Africa. This lack
Kenyan Diaspora Remittances dropped by Sh5 billion in April: The amount of money sent home by Kenyans living abroad dropped Sh5.1 billion in April to $320.3 million (Sh44.1 billion),