Kenyan Diaspora Remittance Jump By Nearly 11% in 2020 To $3 Billion: Remittance inflows into Kenya jumped by nearly 11% in 2020 to $3.09 billion as technological innovations helped people overcome
Kenyan man born and raised in Miami Florida moves back to farm in Kenya: In a bold move and a lot of courage, a Kenyan Diaspora man kunga kihokia who was born and raised in Kenya moves back to Kenya,
MDKO Open enrollment: A Kenya welfare organization in Baltimore MD. Making a difference when it matters most: Maryland Kenya Organization ( MDKO) is a Non-Profit Organization whose aim
Kenya Diaspora Policy-To empower Kenyans abroad effectively: This Diaspora Policy is a response to the urgent need for mainstreaming the Kenyan Diaspora into national development
Kenyans In Diaspora Will Be Excluded From 2019 Census: The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) has announced the Kenyans who will be exempted from the upcoming Census.
A Home for Kenya Christian Fellowship in America- An incredible opportunity to own a piece of America that will serve as a retreat center for Kenyans in America.
After winning a green card to settle in the United States, a couple arrived in the Americas. They settled in one of the major cities. After a few years of living in a poor and chaotic neighborhood, they realized that their children were digressing into a culture of disobedience,