Intriguing tale of love: Personal Assistant Charmed Kenyan MP Into Marriage:The story of Pastor Robert Murega Rimberia and Meru Woman Representative Kawira Mwangaza's marriage is an intriguing tale of love.
Should We Love Homosexuals with Christ’s Love? A teenage girl was having a conversation with a pastor. The girl expressed concerns that the pastor was not being sensitive to diversity.
Our love story: John Mwatu Oyoo and his wife Chami Lu Anne Oyoo: Chami is from Indiana in the US. She visited Kenya for the first time in 2011 when she was 17 on a charity mission with her church
Username Helps Kenyan woman with three physically challenged children: Username Investments ladies visited a needy family in Embu and gifted them with a medical walker and other goodies during this year’s International
K24 news anchor Betty Kyalo second chance at love: K24 news anchor Betty Kyalo is living life in the present and has not let her past broken marriage hinder her from taking a second chance at love.
WALKING IN LOVE IN THE MIDST OF AN OFFENSE: After forgiving your offender, the challenge often comes in how to relate with the person after reconciliation.
"You started making more money, you got familiar with me. Your words are cold. Look, I came home today and I wasn't even welcomed in my own home. You ordered me around. You want everything done your way. This is not the woman I married" he said.