Shades of Life: What sunglasses do you see life through? Have you ever put on colored sunglasses? Everything you see takes on the color of the sunglasses. I was thinking about that and
Do We Need African Churches In The Diaspora?-By Pastor Birai: Lack of education/information as to why certain people do certain things almost always leads others into arriving at in correct
Word of the Day: Our time in God’s Word. There are many ways we can approach our time in God’s Word. It can be seen as part of a quiet time discipline. It can be viewed as needed in order to
When Excuses Are No Solution, Reality Dawns On Us: It really doesn't matter how we feel about it. Whether we like to admit/accept it or not won’t help eithe
Positive thought: Before you react-Quick to listen, slow to speak. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19)