Saturday, March 15, 2025
HomeTagsPositive Thoughts

Tag: Positive Thoughts

Shades of Life: What sunglasses do you see life through?

Shades of Life: What sunglasses do you see life through? Have you ever put on colored sunglasses? Everything you see takes on the color of the sunglasses. I was thinking about that and

Do We Need African Churches In The Diaspora?-By Pastor Birai

Do We Need African Churches In The Diaspora?-By Pastor Birai: Lack of education/information as to why certain people do certain things almost always leads others into arriving at in correct

Your Source for Thanksgiving in the Present

Your Source for Thanksgiving in the Present Paul never fails to reminds us of his past, of his experience before He met the Lord...

Word of the Day: Our time in God’s Word

Word of the Day: Our time in God’s Word. There are many ways we can approach our time in God’s Word. It can be seen as part of a quiet time discipline. It can be viewed as needed in order to

Why We Must Move Beyond “I’m Right/You’re Wrong”

One of the best things about my work is the fact that I serve churches across a variety of traditions. I find it a...

10 Things Pastors Absolutely HATE to Admit Publicly

When Ellen and I were first married, ministry was not our 20-year plan, the Navy was. We had it all planned out; we were...

When Excuses Are No Solution, Reality Dawns On Us By Pastor Biria

When Excuses Are No Solution, Reality Dawns On Us: It really doesn't matter how we feel about it. Whether we like to admit/accept it or not won’t help eithe

Positive thought: Before you react-Quick to listen, slow to speak

Positive thought: Before you react-Quick to listen, slow to speak. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19)

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