Corona Virus: The End of Time or The Tower of Babel? Every time there is a national disaster, apostles, prophets, pastors and all manner of Christian leaders predict that it is the end of TIME.
Kenya Village Voices: We are circumcised-No kizungu mingi. There is a difference between being intellectually civilized and civilization. In fact, it is one thing to speak kizungu mingi and to be modern.
Like Californians, Kenyans are Moving to Texas: Why? When we think of people migrating, we imagine that migration is only when people are moving from one country to another.
Diaspora Victory: From Homelessness in Washington DC to Property Developer: When a complicated disease struck Moses Munene, he found himself in need of medical attention that could only be performed
Behold Kenyans in Kansas City, Kansas: Delicious! The Indian prime minister had a rally in Huston Texas this year during his visit to the United States where over 50 thousand people gathered.
The reason why Kenyan churches should not allow politicians to stand in front of their congregations is because their authority, though emanating from God, is inclusive of the Kingdom of Darkness
A Kenyan in love with Florida and the Hurricanes: Literally: Some people love but they lay down certain requirements for the relationship. Whether it is the love for a car, a dog, a cat, a house,