Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Tag: William Ruto

DP Ruto Linked to Ababu Namwamba Move to Take LPK

Deputy President William Ruto has been linked to a plan by some ODM legislators led by secretary general Ababu Namwamba to take over Dr...

DP Ruto: Newspaper wrote Senator Wetangula’s wife was seen in my office

Deputy President William Ruto has accused the Opposition Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) of using him as a punch bag every time they launch an attack on the government.

Raila lied about State House meeting, Ruto says

Deputy President William Ruto has denied claims by Opposition leader Raila Odinga that a luncheon meeting resolved that the parties in the IEBC impasse hold talks.

Who will blink first: Row over proposed university intensifies in Bomet

Row over proposed university intensifies: Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto and a group of local leaders allied to Deputy President William Ruto are locked in a long-standing stalemate over the site

Why Kenya must build wall along Somalia border – Uhuru

Why Kenya must build wall along Somalia border – Uhuru: The government says that the wall it is building along the Kenya-Somalia border is not aimed at deterring movement of people but to enhance security.


BLOGGER ALAI RETRACTS COMMENTS ON DP RUTO’S HEALTH: Controversial blogger Robert Alai appears to have retracted and apologized for his tweets that were critical on deputy President William Ruto’s health.

Rumour of William Ruto collapsing at his Karen home not true

Rumour of William Ruto collapsing at his Karen home not true: The Deputy president was in Elwak, Mandera county Thursday morning to receive the president quelling

When Mama Lucy summoned me to State House-William Ruto

When Mama Lucy summoned me to State House-William Ruto:

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