Friday, March 14, 2025

Another Kenyan Charles J. Wanyandeh dies in Ohio

Another Kenyan Charles J. Wanyandeh dies in Ohio

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Charles J. Wanyandeh on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. Chalii fell ill and was admitted to the Ohio State Medical Center on Sunday, September 27th, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia which developed into other complications.

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“The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” Job 1:21.

Family and friends are meeting in the evening between 7 pm – 8 pm at the SDA Worthington Church located on 385 E Dublin Granville Rd, Worthington, OH 43085. Due to the medical bills and funeral expenses, there will be a fund raising service to be held at the same venue on Wednesday, October 21st 2009 at 7 pm – 8.30 pm.

The funeral service will be held on Saturday, October 24th, 2009 from 9am to 12 noon at the Vineyard Church of Columbus followed by the burial at Mifflin Cemetery. More details will be communicated later.

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Please continue to pray for Lillian, Vanessa, Gabriella and the entire Wanyandeh family as they go through this very trying time.

If you would like to give and are unable to make it to the meetings we are accomodating gifts via the following means:

1. Deposit your donation directly to:
National City Bank
Payable to Lillian Wanyandeh
Routing Number 041000124
Account #139230847
Zip Code: 43085

To assist with tracking of funds please send a follow-up email to




A 22-year-old Kenyan dropped dead in US
The late Phillip Gichuki Muturi


A Kenyan man has passed away in Boston, USA. The deceased, the late Philip Gichuki Muturi, 22 dropped dead as soon as he arrived at his two month old, first ever job in the USA on Tuesday 31st March, 2009. The incident happened at around 10 am in Poughkeepsie, near Hyde Park, New York.
The late Muturi arrived in the USA last year and was a student at the Dutchess Community College in Poughkeepsie, New York. He was living with his sister Ruth Muturi and her husband, Cyrus Waiguru Kiringi and their two and a half year old daughter. The late young man had just found a job at the Anderson School, a specialized school taking care of people with mental disabilities.
“It was his day off from school and he went for one hour training on Crisis Intervention at his new job”, said Mr. Mungai. According to Mr. Mungai, his friend had just entered the training room when he said “hi” to one friend and then collapsed. “The school trainers immediately started performing CPR and AED on Philip and everything else as they called up Emergency help”. He said that paramedics arrived minutes later and took the young man to the Vassar Hospital in the same city where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The deceased hails from Githurai, near Nairobi, Kenya.
Those wishing to help the family can do so through Bank of America, Account Name:
Cyrus waiguru, Account # : 483022965245, Routing # : 021000322,
For more information contact the family at 19 Fairview Ave Ext, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Contact information Cyrus and Ruth; (845) 473 8709 or (845) 238 1725 or Moses Machua (845) 489 5679.



Kenyan woman found dead



Sources from Ohio claims that the 37-year-old woman found dead yesterday morning in a quarry behind a local television station is a Kenyan by the name of Ann N.Karanja.The police believe that she committed suicide.
Homicide detective Jay Fulton said police found a note in her car, which was parked on the lot of WSYX (Channel 6), 1261 Dublin Rd. The note listed personal issues with which the woman had been dealing, he said.
A maintenance worker saw the body at 8:37 a.m., face down about 10 feet from shore in the quarry commonly called Broadcast Lake.
Ann did not have visible injuries, and police suspect that she waded into the water overnight and drowned. An autopsy will determine whether she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, police said.
A committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Joseph Wambugu assisted by Rev.John Kareithi of Revival Mission International Center and is deliberating on how to transport the body back to Kenya.
Those experiencing suicidal thoughts can contact a 24-hour suicide-prevention hot line at 614-221-5445
More information to follow soon.


Source-Columbus dispatch


The late Anne N.Karanja
It is with sadness we announce the sudden demise of Anne N Karanja of Columbus Ohio on 08/09/08 Anne is the daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Evans Karanja Waiyaki of Mwimuto Lower Kabete, Kiambu, Kenya. She has left behind a Son Allan Mburu.
Anne is sister to Mary Karanja (aka) Mama Twins of Columbus OH, Bernard Waiyaki of Nairobi among others.
Family and friends are meeting daily at Mary Karanja’s residence 4331 Apley Pl Columbus OH 43231. There shall be a service at The Revival Missions International Center Church 3600 Sunbury Rd Columbus OH 43219 on Friday the 15th from 6:30 p.m. and a major fund raising is scheduled for Sunday the 17th at the same venue from 3:30 p.m. your prayers and contributions will be highly appreciated.
An account has been set at the National City Bank. Those willing to do a direct deposit can do so using account # 985300322 routing 041000124
For further information, contact the following committee members.
Joseph Wambugu-614 432 6062
Pastor John Kareithi-614 598 3545
Geoffrey Njenga-614 806 3824
God Bless you all.


Police identify body of woman found in Columbus quarry



Friends I take this early opportunity to thank you all for a job well done. It is always good to give credit where it is due. We have been stretched beyond limit but, by Gods grace we have managed to bring down the giant together. Friends unity is a very strong tool; it makes the work easier.

Now we can relax knowing that we have given our friends a good send off. Keep the good spirit and God bless you.

Just a reminder, we are yet to finalize everything; tomorrow we will be meeting at the Revival Missions once more to raise a ticket for Mama Irungu so that she can go and bury her father. Please don’t get tired.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:9-10)

In His service

Pastor John kareithi


Duncan Njoroge Mungai
Following the death of Duncan Mungai who died as result of drowning in a pool in Fort Lauderdale FL. Friends and family both in Texas and Georgia met for a fundraising but did not meet the required amount of 12,000 to transport the body back to Kenya.There is a balance of 6,000 which is urgently needed.The committee members are making an appeal to all, to help with whatever one can.




Friends and family members who attended the fundraising


The Memorial service will be on 07/13/2008 at at Empowerment Christian Center [on 635 go north on Josey Lane approx 1 mile behind the Chase Bank on the left].It will be followed by a Fundraiser to raise the remaining balance of $6000 needed to transport of the body back to Kenya


Your Prayers and financial support will be highly appreciated.
Donations can be made to the following account:
Bank of America
Checking account: Campusedge checking
Account number: 354002996787
Name on Account: Charles L Mbugua (Duncan Njoroge Mungai)
Address: 149 Glennbarr Ct, Valley Park MO 63088-1539
For further information, please contact
Rev. Charles Mbugua [ St. Louis MO ] 314-596-6185
Pastor Tony Wainana [Dallas TX] 214-603-8411
Mune Ngugi [ Dallas TX ] 214-524-8654
Kenneth Nganga [ Atlanta GA ] 678-982-5906
Florence Kairu [ Atlanta GA ] 404-285-8889
Nancy Waitathu [ Atlanta GA ] 404-775-8689
John Nganga [Evergreen Funeral home TX] 817-966-4515
Macharia Njoroge [Dallas TX] 469-233-2522
A Kenyan drowns in a swimming pool
A Kenyan, Duncan Njoroge Mungai died in a swimming pool in Ft Lauderdale Fl on 22nd June 2008.According to Pastor Tony Wainaina of Empowerment Christian center, Duncan was working for a South African truck (individual) operator in Dallas Texas and they had gone to Ft Lauderdale Florida to deliver a load. They arrived on a weekend hence missed the appointment and though the initial plan was to drop the load and go back to Dallas, they were forced to stay in ft,Lauderdale .They checked in one of the hotel and it is during the stay that Duncan was found dead in the swimming pool.
Duncan came to US on a green card in march 2007.He was under 21 years old when he won the card and due to his age, he could not get the green card without a sponsor so through his uncle, the family contacted Naomi and Francis Kanyugi of Manassas VA who arranged for a sponsor. When Duncan arrived in the US, he stayed with Naomi and Francis until May of 2007 when he moved to Dallas texas.
Mr.Davis Kinyeki of Freight Express who employed Duncan for few months say that He was a nice honest man and full of life, he is one of the people who are now organizing for ways and means to take the body back to Kenya.
Kenyans in Texas have organized prayers and fundraising meeting on Saturday 6th July 2008, the Meeting will be hosted by Pastor Tony Wainaina of Empowerment Christian church at 12879 Josey Lane, Farmers Branch TX 75234 from 5pm.The Georgia meeting will be hosted by Florence Kairu at her residence, 230 Eagle Glen Way, Woodstock, Ga.Meeting starts at 5.00 pm






Duncan Njoroge Mungai from 1986- 2008
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of God’s will, that we announce the sudden passing away ofDuncan Njoroge Mungai of Dallas TX on 22nd ofJune as a result of drowning in a pool in Fort Lauderdale FL. Beloved son to Mr. Bernard Mungai Wamui and Mrs. Rose Wambui Mungai of Kabocha village; Nyathuna location. Brother to Anastasia Gachanja, Nancy Njau, and Anthony Wamui. Nephew to Nancy Waitathu, Florence Kairu, Esther Mbugua and Cousin to Kenneth Nganga all of U.S.
There will be a Prayer and Fundraising meeting on Saturday 07/05/2008 at Empowerment Christian Center , 12879 Josey lane, Farmers Branch TX 75234 from 5pm and on Sunday 07/06/2008 at 230 Eagle Glen Way , Woodstock , Ga. [ Florence ‘s Residence] .Meeting starts at 5.00 PM
Your Prayers and financial support to aid in transportation of the body back to Kenya for burial will be highly appreciated. Donations can be made to the following account:
Bank of America
Checking account: Campusedge checking
Account number: 354002996787
Name on Account: Charles L Mbugua (Duncan Njoroge Mungai)


Address: 149 Glennbarr Ct, Valley Park MO 63088-1539


For further information, please contact
Rev. Charles Mbugua [ St. Louis MO ] 314-596-6185
Pastor Tony Wainana [Dallas TX] 214-603-8411
Mune Ngugi [ Dallas TX ] 214-524-8654
Kenneth Nganga [ Atlanta GA ] 678-982-5906
Florence Kairu [ Atlanta GA ] 404-285-8889
Nancy Waitathu [ Atlanta GA ] 404-775-8689


John Nganga [Evergreen Funeral home TX] 817-966-4515
Macharia Njoroge [Dallas TX] 469-233-2522









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