Lack of education/information as to why certain people do certain things almost always leads others into arriving at in correct conclusions. That has been the case as regards African churches in Diaspora.Having been a pastor in Africa and USA for many years, I feel that I have something to contribute in this area. Some factors will suffice
- First of all the church is the most powerful tool/institution that is a available to those in Diaspora. It brings the natives together and meets their many cultural and spiritual needs
Every people have their unique way of worshiping God. Something happens when like minded people come together to worship God in truth and Spirit
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3.Language/accent makes it hard for some pastors to pastor multicultural churches. I thank the good Lord that all my churches in USA have been multicultural churches. That has given me the opportunity to appreciate other cultures and to know that we are all God’s children
4.Native pastors usually have a problem in being given the opportunity to serve. To continue working in their Fathers vineyard,they have no choice but to plant churches so that both they and other pastors may have the opportunity to serve. I have personally planted three churches in USA and continue to plant more. Two of those churches are under the leadership of different pastors. It makes me happy that I have made it possible by God’s grace to have two ministers receive calls to serve in this great Nation
So, in a nutshell, we need African churches in Diaspora, not so much for the sake of money but rather for the native pastors to continue serving their Maker in their new found/adopted country. If possible, multicultural churches should be the best way to go in my opinion
Do We Need African Churches In The Diaspora?-By Pastor Birai