Kiambu County Visits Kenyans in Chicago: Deputy Governor to address Kenyans
In an effort to connect with Kenyans in the Diaspora, Kiambu County’s deputy Governor Gerald Githinji and his wife will be in Chicago from the 3rd of October to the 12th October. His office confirmed that he would have a Diaspora Community Fellowship at Ushirika Tabernacle Church in Shamburg Illinois on Sunday the 4th at 2pm. The church is located at 316 North Springinsguth Rd. Schamburg IL 60194. After that he will have a one on one meeting with the Kenyan community. The guest speaker at the fellowship is the legendary radio broadcaster, Rev. Christopher Arap Mutai: Biblia Husema Studios, Kijabe (Bibilia TV Network). Rev. Mutai is known in Kenya for Wimbo Niupendao. He is also involved in ATG Radio and Television. He is also a partner with the Sayare Radio and Television ministry in Kenya.
Then on the 9th of October, the Deputy Governor who is accompanied by the founder of the Reuben and Alice Chesire Foundation Mrs. Alice Chesire, members of the Foundation and other guests will attend events arranged by the city of Chicago and Kenya Marathon Group which will lead to the Kenya Marathon Dinner being held in Chicago. The governor’s group will then attend the Chicago Marathon, which will be in the City of Chicago on the 11th of October.
The Kenya Marathon Dinner is held every year since 2005 to welcome and celebrate Kenya Marathoners who regularly attend the Chicago Marathon. It is organized by the Kenya Marathon Group (Chicago).
The Chicago Marathon Dinner Group has invited as their main guest for the Kenya Marathon Dinner, Kenya’s Grand Mother, mama Sarah Obama. Mama Sarah is the Step Grand mother of United States President Barack Obama. The group expects to release her details and her events by September 30th. They expect her to also attend the Chicago Marathon on 11th October and to meet Africa’s Diaspora Community in Chicago. Mama Sarah is involved in promoting the youth and is a great supporter of youth Marathons in Kenya.
For information about the Fellowship you can call the Senior Pastor Ushirika: 815 762 4694. And to attend the Kenya Marathon Dinner or for information you can call: Faith Chepkwony: 630 853 0897 or visit
Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD) HTBluff Associates. An EMG Consortium @HTBluff. Diaspora Messenger Senior Columnist.
Kiambu County Visits Kenyans in Chicago: Deputy Governor to address Kenyans