Thursday, February 13, 2025

Title deeds lead kenya to become a failed state?

Title deeds lead kenya to become a failed state?
Title deeds lead kenya to become a failed state?

IT has been common in Kenya to find one house, one plot and even one farm, having multiple number of title deeds in the hands of several Kenyans. This Multiplication and/or duplication of title deeds has created a lot of chaos, wars and internal wrangling within the Kenya society.

What is very scaring is that the signatory to those title deeds, are government employed officers, who are mandated to sign and to hand over title deeds to respective owners of properties in Kenya. This raises the questions as to whether this multiplication and/or duplication of the title deeds for single properties, is a government project or a government sanctioned corruption scandal, aimed at making as much money as possible, to replace the looted public funds, or it is just corruption by individual Government officers.
For every title deed issued in Kenya, a lot of money is paid to the Government. One would therefore imagine how much money the Kenya Government is making after collecting money from every single property with 2, 3, 4, 5 or more title deeds attached, which are issued to more than 5 Kenyans as rightful owners of each one single property, notwithstanding the disputes so created as a result.
Even those who have owned properties for decades are being confronted by several other Kenyans with title deeds for the same properties they own. It has been extremely difficult to understand why the Kenya Government has not been arresting the officers who have been issuing multiple title deeds for each  one single property.
Why are those Government officers allowed to continue to issue several title deeds for single properties? This menace has reached a very worrying magnitude, a very dangerous level and an alarming stage.
With the current speed at which the title deeds are being multiplied and duplicated for single properties, for multiple ownership of each one property by several Kenyans, it will not be long, before Kenya qualifies to become a “Failed State” where chaos and war over ownership of  properties with multiple and/or with duplicated title deeds, will override the perceived peace in the country.
Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity.

Title deeds lead kenya to become a failed state?

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