Saturday, February 15, 2025

Isaac Kinity: Kenyan Diaspora Activist Going To Kenya To Protest

Isaac Kinity: Kenyan Diaspora Activist Going To Kenya To Protest
Isaac Kinity: Kenyan Diaspora Activist Going To Kenya To Protest

Human rights activist Isaac Newton Kinity,the Chairman of KIKIMO Foundation for Corruption & Poverty Eradication and also the first and current Global Vice-Chairman of the Diaspora Movement of Kenya will be going to Kenya next year, January 2017 to protest Uhuru Government for a thorough  investigation into  disappearances of Mr. Dickson Bogonko Bosire and Mr. Albert Muriuki.

He has written to the Kenyan Government through the Embassy and the Kenya police notifying them of the protest and he has received acknowledgement letters which copies are attached here below.He also wrote to President Obama and Obama has responded assuring him of his support.Here below is the protest notice and an appeal to Kenyans to join the protest.You can contact Isaac Kinity on email

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On January 12, 2017 I will be in Kenya, to protest for a fresh and a thorough  investigation into the disappearances of Mr. Dickson Bogonko Bosire and Mr. Albert Muriuki. I will protest to demand for a fresh investigation into their disappearance and/or for the release to the Kenyan public, the report of the investigations into their disappearance, if any was carried out.

I will start my protest at the Uhuru Park Freedom Corner at 9 am in the morning of January 12, 2017, then  to Police HQ, then to the Attorney General Chambers and then to the Parliament Buildings, where I will end my protest.

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In March this year, 2016, I delivered a notification to the Kenya Police about my intended Protest. The Kenya Police acknowledged receipt of the notification and requested for a reminder about the protest, when that time came closer.

Mr. Dickson Bogonko Bosire disappeared on Wednesday September 18, 2013 and Mr. Albert Muriuki disappeared on December 30, 2013. Their movements the day before they disappeared and their movements during the actual day each one of them disappeared would be very important in a tangible investigation. The records to establish which  people each one of them met the day before the disappearance, and the people they met during the day they disappeared, would also be very important in an investigation of such a nature. The records of their telephone calls the day  before they disappeared and those made during the day they actually disappeared, would be  of paramount importance, owing to the fact that one of them, Mr. Albert Muriuki, communicated to his mother just moments before  he disappeared.

I have previously made a lot of efforts to plead with the Kenya Government, to institute  fresh investigations into the disappearances of the two Kenyans, in order to dispel the fears, that the lives of those who would be willing to join the Government with the aim of championing positive changes in Kenya, would be in danger.

A thorough fresh investigation would also dispel the fears and the suspicion that, unless those who took new positions in the Government joined in the looting spree of the public funds,  they would meet the same fate.
Mr. Albert Muriuki went to Kenya from the Diaspora, with the aim of helping to bring positive changes into our Nation. His fate and that of Mr. Dickson Bogonko Bosire, scares many Kenyans who would wish to share their competence in bringing positive changes into Kenya, void corruption and other atrocities. My hope is that a fresh and a thorough investigation into the disappearance of both Mr. Dickson Bogonko Bosire and Mr. Albert Muriuki, will restore some confidence in the minds of patriotic Kenyans, and at the same time, it will also eliminate the sense of fear of either a mysterious disappearance or of a mysterious murder, for doing the right thing.
Isaac Newton Kinity.





Isaac Kinity: Kenyan Diaspora Activist Going To Kenya To Protest 

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