Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ciku Defends Julie and Caroline for Uhuru Endorsement

Ciku Defends Julie and Caroline for Uhuru Endorsement
Ciku Defends Julie and Caroline for Uhuru Endorsement

Ciku Muiruri defends Julie Gichuru and Caroline Mutoko for Endorsing Uhuru

Media personality Ciku Muiruri has voiced her opinion in support of fellow media personalities Julie Gichuru and Caroline Mutoko for endorsing President Uhuru Kenyatta for a second term.

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Together with fellow media girl Caroline Mutoko, Julie was the MC last Friday night during a fundraising dinner for the President at Safari Park.

Read: Julie Gichuru: “I Choose To Support Uhuru and You Will Not Bully Me into Supporting Your Candidate”

Predictably, Julie’s announcement irked a section of her supporters who are of a different political opinion, and insults were hurled her way.

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This prompted former media personality Ciku Muiruri to jump to the ladies’ defence in post on social media.

She wrote:

“It has become (always has been actually) – Very common for newspapers and other media to openly endorse a particular political party. Look at the just concluded general election in the UK where most of the papers backed the Tories.

Mail on Sunday – “Your country needs you… to save it from a man who would wreck its safety and prosperity.”

Sunday Telegraph – “Vote Conservative for an independent, prosperous Britain.”

Sunday Express – “Vote Theresa May for both a better Brexit and Great Britain we can all be proud of.”

Sun on Sunday – “It is in the interests of Britain to vote Conservative and keep Jeremy Corbyn out of government.”

Sunday Times – “Wake up, smell the coffee and vote Conservative.”

Only The Sunday Mirror backed Labour:

“We need a PM with a common touch… and it’s not wobbly Theresa May.”

And how can we forget the US elections where practically every editorial endorsed Hillary Clinton? Or when, here at home, fed up of years of KANU rule NARC was endorsed by the DAILY NATION in spectacular fashion? Pages and pages of it… It was a sight to behold. This happens all the time. Do you honestly believe that the Standard Media Group will not wholeheartedly support Gideon Moi? Media houses aside, these two ladies are not shackled by whatever editorial policies someone else has because they are no longer on the air. With this backdrop, I’m not very sure why so many people are going nuts over them getting their groove on at a fundraiser for the President and endorsing his re-election bid. Lol. Relax.

If you disagree with them, vote NASA but there’s really no need to insult them for having a stand. Yes, they are influential and it’s their personal brand endorsing Uhuru Kenyatta, which makes it even more powerful. Have they benefitted from the administration? So what if they have? I have no beef with it if it’s legal and above board. If you have so much respect for them, hence your feeling of betrayal, then take comfort in the fact that they are in positions to influence YOUR life positively because there is nothing to stop them from continuing to do so if that is their life’s work. So instead of filling their timelines with bile, make suggestions that they can pass on to the powers that be.

Finally, no. They don’t have to be impartial unless they are sitting on the Supreme Court benches or IEBC.”

Ciku Defends Julie and Caroline for Uhuru Endorsement

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