Thursday, February 13, 2025

Anne Kiguta & Miguna Miguna: Sonko’s Top Picks for DG

Anne Kiguta & Miguna Miguna: Sonko's Top Picks for DG
Anne Kiguta & Miguna Miguna: Sonko’s Top Picks for DG

Governor Mike Sonko has asked city residents to help him choose a deputy governor to fill the slot left vacant by Polycarp Igathe.

However, allegations are  rife that he has already settled on Agnes Kagure for the post.

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Igathe resigned on January 12 saying he had failed to earn Sonko’s trust.

Sonko posted the ‘appeal’ for help on his Facebook post and listed 22 names of people he is considering for the appointment.

Among the proposed are TV presenter Ann Kiguta, lawyer Miguna Miguna, Education CEC  Janet Ouko, Kagure, and former Starehe MP Bishop Margaret Wanjiru.

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Others are former Dagoretti MP Denis Waweru, nominated Senator Millicent Omanga, former Town clerk John Gakuo, former Nairobi woman rep aspirant Karen Nyamu, and businessman Jimnah Mbaru.

The governor also named former Nairobi county MP Rachel Shebesh, EALA MP Simon Mbugua, Susan Matiba, Jomo Gecaga, Njee Muturi, George Kariuki, and Muhoho Jomo Kenyatta.

Sonko also named former KTB chairman Raymond Matiba, Prof James ole Kiyapi, Nairobi woman representative Esther Passaris, and former Infrastructure PS Irungu Nyakera.

Surprisingly, he still considers Igathe an option for the slot despite having resigned from the post three months ago.

“Great people of Nairobi, some say politics is about numbers. This FB page of mine has over 1,300,000 fans out of which 925,892 are Nairobians. I believe it is you the great people and God who have the powers of nominating leaders. Hence hebu munisaidie hapa (help me here) whom do you think deserves to be my Deputy Governor?” Sonko said.

On March 9, the Supreme Court gave governors the green-light to replace their deputies should the incumbents resign, die in office or are impeached.

The nominees will thereafter be approved by the respective County Assemblies within 60 days of their nominations before taking an oath.

The six judges of the apex court – CJ David Maraga, DCJ Philomena Mwilu, Jackson Ojwang, Smokin Wanjala, NJoki Ndung’u and Mohamed Ibrahim ruled that the post cannot be filled with another election.

“It is unconstitutionally inconceivable to have a vacuum in the office of Deputy Governor until the next general election is held,” they ruled.

Apart from Nairobi, Nyeri county is also operating without a deputy governor.

This was after the former deputy governor Mutahi Kahiga assumed the office of the Governor following the sudden death of Governor Wahome Gakuru through a road accident on November 7, 2017.

Responses on Sonko’s post settled on various choices.

Sam Wambugu said: “Gakuo is the best Choice, He has a track record and he has no serious political ambitions; thus he will not distract you and he is not a threat to your re-election in 2022.”

Dennis Mkula opined: “Its not a must you give the deputy position to people who have already made it in life. Chukua youth mmoja hapo nairobi vijanaa wasaidike. Ukiempower youth utaempower generation, ukipatia wazae job watalisha wazae wenzao ambao their days are numbered. Sonko what will you be remembered for?”

(Choose one youth in Nairobi…if you empower a youth, you will have empowered a generation…if you hire an old person, he or she will only feed fellow elderly persons whose days are numbered)

Yet, Patrick Obanda said: “You can’t pick a deputy by suggestions given on social media. Make your own choice. Everyone on social media have their own choices based on their political party affiliation.”

John Kyande added: “Jimna Mbaru, he would, without a sweat easily sell Nairobi to investors and he commands respect among business people.”

DonMark Murimi said: “Miguna can fit there..but the mistake is he will outshine u..he will make you his subject and pretend to be the boss.”

Dave Pengele gave a similar opinion. He said: “Ati Millicent Omanga???? Miguna will outshine you mpaka u (until you) resign ka Igathe don’t try… most preferably John Gakuo I believe he’ll do something for Nairobi.”

Geoffrey Omollo added: “These are people who have other occupations. Find people who are not occupied. Besides, the list does not represent the face of Nairobi.”

Ole Mutua said: “Cut the recycling of old garbage, there are better options in Nairobi who they are more qualified for leadership.”


Anne Kiguta & Miguna Miguna: Sonko’s Top Picks for DG


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