After parking my car at the Post Office in Western, Amarillo on 6.12.2018, I was walking to the P.O. Box, when the Holy Spirit reminded me the words of Jesus: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10. After picking up the mail, I walked with the man who had gently held the door for me when we were entering and I couldn’t believe that my car was not there. As I was thinking that it was not real, the man asked me, “Where is your car.” “I don’t see it.” I didn’t know what to think. The man who assured me that the car was not there became my first angel. He advised me to call the Police and give them the detail of where I was and the VIN number. Apparently, my phone was dead.
So, I went to Happy Bank and reported to Destiny who called the Police for me and informed the officer where I was. When I was waiting for the Police, Destiny and Debbie were giving me pastoral care. “We know you like coffee; do you prefer coffee or water.” “Cold water please.” I need something that could cool me down. When the officers arrived, I was still in a shock. I couldn’t remember either the license detail or the vehicle identification number. The officer became my second angel. He called my insurance company and got all the required information. He asked me whether I had left the keys in the car and I showed him the key. It was stolen by professional thieves. I then filed the case with the officer. After reporting to the officer, I asked Debbie and Destiny if they could call Taxi for me. Debbie surprised me when she said: “I will take you home.” So, she drove me all the way from Amarillo to Canyon. And thus, within a short period, I had four ministering Angels
As you read this message, you may be going through spiritual warfare. What should be your reaction? James advises us to count it as a blessing when we go through various trials. Paul assures us that we are more than conquerors and the Apostle John tells us: Great is He who is in you than the one who is in the world. My prayer for the thieves was: “God, do not give them peace until they repent. The Bible says: “There is no peace to the wicked.”
I am most grateful to the angels who came for my help. Let us all take Jesus at his word: “I Came that they may have life and have it to the full.”
On the seventh day I was surprised by a call from Officer Ray: “Your car has been found and you can get it at Competition Towing.”. Mary and I drove there at once and we were surprised to find our car with all the valuables. Nothing was taken and we learned that the thieves returned the car at the post office on the third day. It may be one of the astonishment in heaven we will be meeting these thieves. And in heaven there will be no bad memory. We will all experience perfect love, perfect peace and perfect joy
By Bishop John G Githiga
Rev 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Africa Welfare Association is a pioneer provider of services to it’s Diaspora members in the event of loss of a loved one. We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally.
We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally. AWA was set up in response to the ever-growing demand for services at a critical time. With trusted partners, AWA will offer you benefits wherever you are in the world.
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At some point, we have been with a grieving family or friend and come to learn that none of us are ever prepared to leave this world. When the time comes, we shall leave everything including our loved ones behind.
Kenyan Bishop loses his car to daring thieves in Amarillo Texas