Only 5 people allowed for burial of Dominic Waweru Karundu in UK
He was husband to Fidelis Karundu. Father to Sharon& Julie Karundu. He was the Son of the Late Gabriel Karundu Waweru and Lucia Wanjiru Karundu. Brother to the Late Peris Wambui, Late Samuel Waithuki, Alex Ndirangu (USA) Jeniffer Wanjiku, Catherine Wariara & Fredrick Gakunga.
The Funeral will be held in Coventry ,United Kingdom on Friday 3rd April 2020. Due to the current UK government guidelines on gatherings caused by Corona virus pandemic , the funeral directors have informed the family that the Coventry City Council will only allow 5 family members to attend the funeral. The family have also been advised the ceremony will be brief,not longer than 30 minutes.
This is extremely challenging and difficult for the family who have not been given any choice on the matter.
It is the intention of the Family to hold a full memorial service and a Wake at a later date when the Coronavirus crisis is over. Please bear with the family at this very difficult time.
The family takes this opportunity to thank each one of you for your prayers, moral support ,financial support and great love you have extended to them. May God bless you all. Please continue to pray for the family. May our beloved Dominic Rest in Peace.
For more information please contact Gorret 07950843090, Jane 07832289668 or Patrick 07957561107..
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Only 5 people allowed for burial of Dominic Waweru Karundu in UK