Be Afraid Of Letting Your Story to Die, Believe In The Impossible
Every day of life is an unfolding story, and everyone has a story to tell. No one can tell your story better than you, because even if they were there with you, they didn’t experience it the way you did. Your story has the power; to not only educate but also transform lives. You are depriving the world of you and the lives that depend on your story to dream again by not sharing your story.
I am afraid of burying my story inside me when it can help resurrect other hidden stories that can move the world;
I am afraid of believing that it cannot be done, and wake up one day finding it done not by me but someone else who dared;
I am afraid of staying comfortable in a congested bottom when there’s so much unoccupied room at the top;
I am afraid of settling for the ordinary when the extraordinary is unexplored;
I am afraid of believing that there are no opportunities when in me lies the potential to create opportunities;
I am afraid of settling for defeat when victory is just another trial away;
I am afraid of giving up and watch others thrive from my abandoned dreams;
I am afraid of fear, fear that keeps me from daring.
This is my story. Be afraid, my friend, of letting your story die and believing in the impossible. Because at the end of the day, you can be what you want to be and achieve your wildest dream if you do not relent. Impossible is Nothing!
By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger contributor
Be Afraid Of Letting Your Story to Die, Believe In The Impossible