It is with great sorrow we announce the sudden passing on of Ken Mwendwa of Silver Spring, Maryland which occurred on Saturday, 07/02/2022. Ken was son to Sarah Wavinya Mutisya of Houston TX (formerly of Laurel, MD), friend and partner to Sheila Wambua of Silver Spring, MD, nephew to Agnes Mueni Kivuvani, Julius Mutua Mutisya, Moses Mutisya, Stephen and Miriam Mutisya, Robert Kioli, Peter Kioli, all of Maryland and a friend to many.
Ken was immensely loved and will be greatly missed. A church memorial service will be held at: Disciples Fellowship International (DFI) on Friday, 15th July 2022 starting at 6pm.
Location: 13100 Andrew’s Drive
Silver Spring, MD
There will be Visitation service on Thursday, July 14th from 2 to 4 pm. at Francis J. Collins Funeral Home, Inc.
500 University Blvd West Silver Spring, MD 20901.
Flowers are welcome
Kindly remember this family in your prayers.
Agnes Kivuvani: 240-481-5648
Sheila Wambua: 202-602-9958
Robert Kioli: 240-476-5464
Nduku Mulili: 240-463-7180
Josphat Kim240-476-4816
Mwongeli Mwaki: 407-744-1978
Chris Kiliu 301-675-5504
Kenyan Man Storms out of Dowry Negotiations Crying Extortion
Rev 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Africa Welfare Association is a pioneer provider of services to it’s Diaspora members in the event of loss of a loved one. We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally.
We are entrusted with the welfare of the African Diaspora globally. AWA was set up in response to the ever-growing demand for services at a critical time. With trusted partners, AWA will offer you benefits wherever you are in the world.
Alleviate stress with AWA
At some point, we have been with a grieving family or friend and come to learn that none of us are ever prepared to leave this world. When the time comes, we shall leave everything including our loved ones behind.