The Kenyan 2022 elections have been one of a kind. It is possible to come up with an endless list of the unique happenings but I’m intrigued by the spirit, mood, and energy that accompanied this season. Summing it all up, if there’s one lesson I’ve taken away, especially from the presidential elections, it is that Impossible is Nothing!
Like any other political season, the campaign period was marked with speculations on the most likely winning candidate. Surveys, polls, and myths surrounding the possibility of a candidate taking the presidency home were all over the place. Some made sense, others were out rightly wrong or even baseless. Supporters of candidates were optimistic, and most of them knew it was impossible to be beaten by their opponents.
The former prime minister swept supporters by their feet after choosing a female candidate for a running mate. One would naively assume all the women would go his way in support of their fellow woman, an iron lady with a promising track record. This event saw an increase in followers according to a poll. There was no way “Baba” could lose on this one, as far as the supporters were concerned. It was a done deal. This was his last bullet, the fifth trial that would eventually crown him the 5th president. Most of the voters were just waiting for the voting day to cast their vote by 8:47a.m and get Baba to the statehouse by 10 a.m, with a landslide win. While the nature of the election outcome is still opaque, for lack of a better word, the margin of the announced result was minimal. The impossible happened. Voters didn’t turn out as expected, among other challenges.
On the other hand, it was rumored that it would be impossible for a deputy president to run for the presidency and win on his first trial. This was backed up with some historical facts, and as the adage goes, history repeats itself. Going by this, it would mean that if he was to get some votes, they would be nothing close to the leading candidate. Well, even as we await the final verdict on the just concluded elections, the impossible has happened. The deputy president has been declared the president-elect, with millions of votes.
A candidate who pushed the agenda on legalizing bang and raring snakes among other unthought proposals was condemned for misguiding the citizens and especially the youths. How he got cleared to run was a mystery to the clergy. He wasn’t meant to get any vote, yet again the Impossible happened. His manifesto resonated with a good number of citizens, and he got more votes than his competitor, a man of the cloth. Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?
The impossible is possible. Had they prepared for the impossible, I am convinced that the Blue team would have performed better. Had they believed that it was Impossible, the Yellow team would not have broken the historical record. The roots candidate would not have known that his idea made sense to some people, had he quit the race due to the critics; and the Agano candidate would not be known by Kenyans either had he not shown up for the race.
The Impossible is possible. Whatever your dream is, whatever idea you conceive, you can achieve it if you go for it. Do not believe that anything is impossible, because Impossible is Nothing! Rise and soar beyond the impossible.
By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor
Elizabeth is the author of Imagine the world and create it, a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring it to pass.
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Lesson from Kenyan Elections 2022: Impossible is Nothing!