Thursday, March 13, 2025

Discover And Uproot Hidden Signs Of The Spirit Of Fear

Discover And Uproot Hidden Signs Of The Spirit Of Fear
Discover And Uproot Hidden Signs Of The Spirit Of Fear

The Spirit of fear camouflages itself in various ways. Indecision is one of its main hidden traits. Where there is indecision, there is also double-mindedness, delay or lateness, procrastination, postponing things, debilitating anxiety, nervousness, overcautiousness, excessive fasting, praying to wait to “hear from the Lord,” rationalization, and having multiple excuses.

Indecision on minor issues eventually results in no decision, leading to stagnation, complacency, and poverty or lack in that specific area a person is still deciding about.

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A prolonged state of these attributes of fear leaves one feeling powerless and helpless, exactly where the devil wants a person to be. So, when these hidden signs manifest themselves, dig deeper by asking, “What am I really afraid or terrified of now?

Renounce and uproot the source, then bind and cast out fear, unbelief, and the manifestations of fear in Jesus’s Name.

God created each person with dominion, power, authority, and ability to progress. This means we should be progressive in all aspects of our lives( Genesis 1:28).

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Spirit-filled believers have two key advantages. First, they have adopted the victorious nature of Christ (2 Peter 1:2-3, 2 Corinthians 2:14), and second, they have the help of the Holy Spirit, who empowers, guides, and teaches them to accomplish what they need.

So, fight fear with all you have! Some opportunities need to be taken care of right away. When God opens a door, He expects us to walk through it and keep going.

Is there an opportunity waiting for your decision? In you is the Spirit of power, love, self-control, and sound mind, and he gives you wisdom and discretion to make good decisions so you can keep progressing (2 Timothy 1:7. John 14:17, 25).

With the Holy Spirit, both of you are unstoppable! SOAR!

If you require assistance with deliverance ministry or inner healing for emotional well-being, please get in touch with us at

By Pauline Adongo/Diaspora Messenger Contributor


Discover And Uproot Hidden Signs Of The Spirit Of Fear

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