The bustling halls of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport were filled with emotion as family and friends gathered to bid farewell to Roselyn Ombongi, a Kenyan embarking on a transformative journey to the United States.
Roselyn is set to pursue a Master of Science in Business Analytics at the prestigious University of Louisville, a dream realized through The KENYA Airlift Program, now known as the International Scholars Program (ISP).
As she prepared to board her flight, Roselyn shared her mixed feelings about the life-changing adventure ahead. “I’m both excited and anxious at the same time,” she admitted.
Roselyn’s journey began when she discovered The KENYA Airlift Program through social media. Reflecting on her experience with the program, she described it as “seamless,” expressing gratitude for the guidance and support she received every step of the way.
In her parting words, Roselyn extended heartfelt thanks to those who have been instrumental in her journey. Thanking God and her family, acknowledging the crucial role her loved ones played in helping her achieve this milestone.
Roselyn’s journey to the University of Louisville marks the beginning of what promises to be an exciting and fulfilling adventure.
This inspiring story is brought to you by The International Scholars Program (ISP), an award-winning  education financing scheme dedicated to helping exceptional graduate students achieve their dreams of studying in the US or Canada, regardless of financial background.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Apply today at
Our contact details are:
US office:
Wells Fargo Center.
100 S. Ashley Drive, Suite 600, Tampa, FL, 33602
Tel: +1 (813) 333 1080
Nairobi, Kenya office:
The Mirage, Tower 1, 8th Floor,
Off Waiyaki Way next to Nairobi GTC, Westlands, Nairobi
Tel: +(254) 742 849 555
Meru, Kenya office:
Royal Business Park, 7th Floor, Njuri Ncheke St
P.O Box, 3114, 60200, Meru, Kenya
Tel: +(254) 796 756 726
Harare, Zimbabwe office:
12th Floor, Joina City,
Julius Nyerere Way and Jason Moyo Avenue
Tel: +(263) 716 323 343